Chapter Thirty-one: Dragons

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The cave was surprisingly brightly lit as we walked down to two large stone doors, dragons decorating it's cool surface. 

"Is it strange for there to be no guards?" I ask Suli as he stopped in front of the doors. 

"You can only enter if you have a Dragon's blessing." Suli places his hand on the face of a dragon, causing it's eyes to glow the same icy blue as his eyes. "Of course that extends to you as well Celestia. Most humans are unable to find the entrance of the cave in the first place."

The doors starts to open, the sound of stone on stone echoing throughout the cave as natural sunlight streamed in through the doors. We step in, covering our eyes to allow them to adjust.

"Wow..." I gasp in surprise at the view. The stone floor gave way to reveal the most wonderous of sights: a whole hidden world that was encased by mountains. Waterfalls streamed from the sides of the mountains and fell into clear blue water pools that shimmered in the light. 

Large grand trees covered the land and even had houses that were perched in their strong branches. In the middle of this view was a large lake which seemed to have endless depths from how dark the water was. 

"Step back Celestia." Suli had a hand on my arm as Jewel bit the end of my dress, pulling me back from the edge. I had subconsciously stepped forward in awe and moved too close to the edge of the stone floor.

"Thank you Suli, Jewel." I reassured them with a smile. "This place is amazing."

"Thank you." Someone else answers causing me to start in surprise. "I am glad that you like my home."

I turn to the voice and found myself staring at the large Golden Dragon before me. I had not noticed him approaching at all since I had been too absorbed in the view.

"My apologies for not noticing you Great Dragon." I bow, trying to ignore the fact that my cheeks were heating up in embarrassment. "Your home is extremely beautiful and took all of my attention."

"There is no harm in appreciating this view. It still awes me to this day." The Dragon chuckles, deep and low vibrations that I could feel in my chest. "Since you are a friend of King Suli, then you are a friend of mine. I welcome you, Little Witch."

"Thank you." I stand and smile at him, not realizing that since I had reverted to my original silver haired appearance was making the Golden Dragon more interested in me.


"Later, I will have my nephew show you around Witch Celestia." The Golden Dragon had introduced himself as Falvin before whisking us off into the sky, holding us in this large claws. I tightly held onto his forearm as the sensation of moving up and down rapidly started to make me queasy. 

"Are you alright Celestia?!" Suli hollers over the roar of the wind, seeing how pale I was. I didn't dare to open my mouth so I waved at him before returning my death grip on Falvin's arm.

As we flew, I managed to get to look around a little before squeezing my eyes shut; the closer we came to the mountains, I could see numerous caves that peppered the mountain side- some empty others with colorful dragons lounging with their tails swaying in the breeze.

Finally, we landed and I stumbled out of Falvin's hand- falling to my knees as I waited for that feeling of about-to-throw-up go away. 

"My apologizes Witch Celestia." Falvin's breath causes my hair to flutter in front of my face. Suli moves it for me until I leaned back on my legs and took a deep breath. "Dragons are unable to allow anyone onto their backs unless they have a special link." 

"It's quite alright." I stood up with Suli's help. "I was just not used to flying by Dragon. But I did like the view." I reassured him with a smile, finally recovered. 

"If so." Falvin steps around us, nodding at us to follow behind him. "Welcome to my home."

The cave opens up to reveal crystals embedded into the walls and ceiling, multicolored light orbs that floated around caused the crystals to send rainbows across the cave.

"It's beautiful!" I couldn't stop looking around, studying each crystal and how the light bounced off them. I was having way too much fun looking around. 

"These crystals have been here since the beginning." Falvin was clearly amused as he watched me. "I decided to make this cave my home after accidentally discovering it in my youth. It took about 700 years to make the entrance since I continued to grow during my adolescence and another 900 years to make the carve the rest."

"Time well spent." I knew that Witches lived for a long time, but Dragons have the longest life-span with Elves are in second place along side Witches.

"I'm glad that you enjoy it." Falvin chuckles as we continued. 

Suli, Jewel, and I followed Falvin into another cavern which veins of gold ran through it's walls and large mounds of jewel, gold, and other precious metals were stacked.

"I keep my trinkets here." He saws dismissively as we walked past it. There was enough gold and jewels there to turn the poorest country in Vesia into the wealthiest: 10 times over.

I shivered at the thought, knowing how human greed can cause destruction and decided to never speak to anyone about that cavern; so as not to temp fate.

"We are here now." 

We entered a third cave with some human sized furniture resting on ledge that protruded from the wall with a smaller cave into the wall.

"This is my newest addition." Falvin says to Suli. "I asked the Elves to create something for you to sit on once you came to visit."

"They are well made." Suli inspects the furniture as I tried to catch my breath- the ledge had stairs which were very steep for someone who's height was only 63 inches or 5'3.

Suli pulls out a chair for me and pulls out my inventory bag; which I had given him during our trip due to his insistence that I would not carry anything, taking a canteen of pre-made tea and pouring it into a cup before handing it to me. 

"Now." Suli finally asks after making sure I was comfortable as Falvin settle down next to the ledge and looked on with interest. "Why did you contact me? From your message- it seems to be urgent." 

How the Emperor trapped a WitchTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang