Ch. 29 - Regionals

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***** Two weeks Later *****

Rachel stood in the hallway of the ice arena wearing a sparkly white leotard that was long sleeved and had crystal diamond beading around the bodice and a short train at the back. Her hair was slicked back into a smooth, tight bun and she had shimmery iridescent makeup and diamonds stuck to her temples and around her eyes that made her look like a mythical fairy.

"You look so beautiful," Cain said, walking up and giving her a kiss. He had never seen her fully decked out on a competition day before.

"Thank you," she said with a smile, kissing him again.

"You nervous?" he asked.

"Surprisingly not that much. Coach set me up with a travelling nurse for competitions that gives me just the right amount of anti-anxiety meds to control my nerves but not strong enough to affect my performance. I think it's working because I feel really good."

"Good. I'm glad to hear it. I just wanted to come back here before you go on to tell you that you're gonna kill it, but I'm proud of you no matter what happens," he said, wrapping her up in his arms and giving her a kiss. Hearing those words from him made her feel even more calm.

"Thank you babe," she said with a smile as she watched him walk away.

"Rachel!" she heard someone shout and then she looked down the hall and recognized Cassidee right away. She was the woman from the bar that was a huge fan that she had taken a picture with and said that she didn't quit skating because of her. She was wearing a hot pink glittering leotard and her bright blonde hair was pulled up in a high ponytail.

"Hey Cassidee! I had no idea you would be here!" she smiled.

"Me either! I was so surprised to make it to Regionals. This is my first time. I'm SO excited to be skating at a competition with you!" she squealed. "It feels like a dream come true! I met your sister earlier and found out she's the same age as me and this is her first time at Regionals too. She's really nice."

"What a minute? You're only sixteen? Then how did you get in the bar where I work?"

She looked guilty and said, "Sorry. I actually had someone make me a fake I.D. just so I could meet you. I didn't drink any alcohol while I was there. I swear. I just met you and left right away. PLEASE don't tell on me for that. I promise I'll never do it again."

Rachel smiled and said, "Ok. If you promise not to do it again I won't tell on you."

Coach Sumners came around the corner and said, "Oh there you are. It's time. You're up next. Come with me."

She waved bye to Cassidee and wished her luck and then followed the coach over to her warm up area behind the rink door where you enter the ice.

"Go ahead and stretch again and jump up and down a few times to get limbered up," Coach said.

The rink door opened and Addison came off the ice and looked at her and snickered. "Good luck beating that, washed up has-been."

Addison hadn't realized the coach was right around the corner and could hear her comment.

"Addison Marie Weaver!" he said loudly coming around to face her. "If I EVER catch you talking to another skater like that again you're going to be banned from my rink and you'll be looking for a new coach. You understand me?"

Her eyes bugged out, shocked that she had been caught and she said, "Yes sir," and ran off looking like she was about to cry.

"Forget about her and what she said Rachel. She's just jealous of you, always has been.  Because you've got that special something that she'll never have, that thing you can't put your finger on that just makes people mesmerized when you skate and they can't take their eyes off you. It's magical when you step foot on that ice and you can't buy that no matter how much money you have. You're either born with it or you're not, and you were."

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