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"Who was that girl from the other day? You know? The one from the museum." Jason walked up behind the chair Tim was currently seated in.

"I can't find anything on her! It's like she doesn't even exist."

"That's impossible! We all saw her, but something is off."

"I mean there were so many of her? Is that even scientifically possible?"

Tim furrowed his eyebrows, sighed, and then the clacking of the keys were heard throughout the cave. "I wonder what she's after, and when will that girl strike again?"

He gulped large amounts of coffee, while everyone else was patrolling. Suddenly there was an oncoming call. Tim glanced over, annoyed.

"What?" He answered, leaning back into the leather chair for a quick break. That was short lived, after the phone call.

Tim leaped out of his seat, struggling to wiggle his suit on. Adjusting it one final time, he took a sleek black motorcycle to catch up.

"Where are you guys?" "We're near the Landman Ave. intersection. There's been a break in. Can you guess who?" Tim sighed for the 2nd time this evening, a familiar figure was already in mind.

"I don't even have to try." He looked around, "Almost there."

Seconds later, there was Batman and the rest of the crew. "We need to catch her and get that person to return the previous item." Batman instructed, "She can do things we've never expected okay? Be careful, if it's too risky back off." Everyone nodded in confirmation.

Marinette's POV
I got in quickly through Kalkki's portal. The downside of that was that Kalkki needed rest, so at the moment I was just Ladybug. Hopefully no one will recognize me, they can't see Ladybug stealing.

Looking around, my eyes landed on the glass case that held the object. From my waist, I fished out the black spotted yo-yo, casting it so the glass would shatter.

As mini pieces of glass graced the floor, I took the jewel. Kalkki however, still hasn't recovered fully.

"We'll need to find another way out I guess." Speaking to no one in particular. Suddenly the alarm went off. This was something that was of course expected, but I was hoping to get out before it came to this.

Quickly, I dashed through halls, trying to remember that one day I came with Damian. The sirens continued to assault my ears, as my concentration was slowly starting to deteriorate.

Soon enough, glass doors that lead outside came into view. Above it, there was a metal slab coming down. Pulling the same procedure I did for the jewelry case, the door also shattered with one strike, but in order to make it I had to slide under.

My feet moved faster, and I slid to the ground, just barely making it out.

"STOP RIGHT THERE WITH YOUR HANDS UP! SURRENDER!" A voice boomed while I tried to catch my breath. The adrenaline started to wear down, hopefully I can think clearly now.

"You want me to surrender?" They could clearly see the smirk that graced my lips. "Well you have to catch me!" I backed up against the wall, and used my foot as a spring for more momentum. As I was jumping over then, a hand tightly grabbed my ankle. It caused me to fall down onto the ground, hard.

I didn't retain a lot of damage thanks to the suit, but it still hurt. "What was that for?"

"For trying to run Sweetheart." Red Hood looked at me, while clicking what I think were handcuffs. "Why won't you just become like many tiny humans again? Like last time?" Red Robin asked, slightly inching towards me, as if I'd tear him from limb to limb.

"Trust me I would if I could." I gritted through clenched teeth, struggling to get out of the cuffs that were securely strapped around my wrist. "Stay put you Neanderthal." Robin glared.

Everyone was distracted like I predicted, they had to get me to the secured place. "Kalkki!" I whispered. A little head poked out, nodding towards the cuffs, the kwamii knew exactly what to do. She disappeared into the metal for a few seconds. Then, there was a slight weight lifted off my wrists. "Thanks!"

There's no way I can transform with Kalkki right now, I'll just need to wait for an opening.

Moving my wrist to the side so you couldn't tell that the handcuffs were off, they started to approach me once again.

Without saying a word, Batman grabbed at the spotted mask upon my face. "What are you doing!" I jerked my face to the side. "We need to see who you really are under the mask." He spoke calmly. "Fat chance." I kicked his stomach and ran.

"AFTER HER!" Someone shouted from behind.

I transformed with Kalkki and teleported out of there.

"Lucky Charm!" I called and immediately activated my miraculous ladybug, hopefully putting the museum back. Before de-transforming, I took the anklet out of my yo-yo.

"Spots off."

"You'de really going to just let them chase you?" Tikki crossed her tiny arms. "I mean they could stop whenever." She sighed and shook her head, but cracked a tiny smile. I gave her one back. "All that matters is I got this." Looking at the jewel that dangled between my index finger and thumb.

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