Chapter 14

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||Hello! SORRY THE UPDATE TOOK SO LONG! I'm so grateful for all of your support on the story! kay let's start!||

Batman and his crew was starting their patrol before getting an alert about how a museum was being broken into. "Do you think it's Catwoman?" Nightwing asked. "I'm not sure. Whoever it is we'll pay em a visit." Batman began his rooftop journey while the rest followed.

At the scene of the crime they didn't see anyone, leaving them perplexed. "Did they leave already?" Red Robin continued to look around abit. "No! We arrived quickly!" Red Hood stomped his foot. "Spread out and look for anything suspicious." Batman demanded before started to look over one of the areas."

"Robin look!" Nightwing pointed to the big glass doors that was the entrance to the building. There was a little hole in the glass. It was shaped like an arch but there were many jagged parts. "Why is it broken? Who would fit in there?" Robin questioned, eyes not leaving the evidence. He studied it over, not being able to come up with anything.

Soon the vigilanties were all crowding around it. "Red Robin, you're smart. What is it?" Red hood turned to him. "I'm not sure."

They're eyes widened when they saw many little people in orange and gray suits, carrying out a jewel.


With that Multi-fox mentally cursed at herself for getting caught and she moved faster. All the mini hers following. The heavy footsteps behind them were getting closer. So what do they do?

They scatter.

In different directions they ran. Two of them continued to hold the penguin miraculous. She quickly attached the large chain on her waist. It weighed the very tiny girl down to the left, but then it shrunk! To the size that would fit her at this time.

A kwamii appeared. It was a floating penguin. "Hello! I'm Penny! It's been forever since I've been awakened! Who are you?" "No time to explain Penny! How do I transform?" "Oh lemme think for a second." Her flippers rubbed her chin a bit in though. "Oh! Penny flap my flippers!"

"Penny flap my flippers!" One of the costumes became black and gray. "This will be so much easier!" Multi-fox said to Multi-penguin. "Right!" All the other mini versions that the batfam were chasing, began to mix into them. Now there were only the two left. Their height increased as well!


"STOP RIGHT THERE!" Batman demanded, not really in the mood for games tonight. "YEAH! WHAT TECH ARE YOU USING!" Red Robin screamed making the rest of them shoot his looks. "What?"

With a shake of their heads, the men in costume began to chase and shout at the two!

"Let's test out your power now. ICED OVER!"

The rooftops became ice over. They watched as the men struggled to run across them. Multi-penguin had no trouble gliding through, her pace never slowed down. Multi-fox on the other hand was having some balance trouble.

A few quick moments later the two were hand in hand running across. The gray and orange hero occasionally slipping sometimes.

Making sure the vigilantes weren't following her anymore, they made a turn towards the hotel. Tired from today's events. The light flooded her eyes as she landed back in her room, slightly catching her breath from all that parkour tonight. "Marinette! You're back!" Tikki exclaimed floating around with a smile on her face.

"Yeah! And I got the miraculous. Penny flippers down." A few detransformation words later, Marinette threw herself on the bed chain still on her.

||Okay! Yep that's it! STay healthy people! I gotta do some school work. Sadly Anyways bai!||


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