Bakugo (ft- the Bakusquad)

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Art not mine don't know credit

Cocky male reader from Ketsubutsu Academy so he's at the rival school

kind of a stupid story and might be a bit OOC but its good or at least has a plot better than Zenitsu's

"Bakugo! Wait up!!" Kirishima called after the angry blond with the bakusquad following.

"What do you idiots want?" Bakugo grunted not even sparing them a look.

"Come to the arcade with us!" Mina yelled.

Bakugo looked at her and rolled his eyes, "Why would I waste my time in a shitty place full of sticky middle schoolers."

"Ohhhh sounds like someones scared their gonna suck at the games." Denki challenged knowing how to tick off the ash blond.

"LIKE HELL I AM!!" Bakugo yelled and started walking in the direction of the aracde.

Sero fist bumped Denki as the bakusquad followed after.

When they got to the aracade the group split. Mina went with Denki and Sero while Kirishima stuck with Bakugo. The two set off towards the strength tester. No quirks were allowed in the arcade so you had to rely on physical strength only. 

Kirishima went first so Bakugo knew what he had to beat. Kiri got a good score and Bakugo made sure to beat it if only by like 20 points. But as soon as bakugo celebrated his win you showed up.

The smug smile on your face made his blood boil as you stepped up to the machine and gave it your all though it seemed like you hadn't even tried. Your score beat his by 100 points exactly. 

"Nice try Baka." You said and gave him a wink before walking off with your own friend/s.

"WHY YOU LITTLE-" Kirishima had to hold back Bakugo while he tried to go rip your hair out.

"Who was that guy?" Kiri asked once Bakugo seemed calm enough.

"Y/N Y/L/N. He thinks he's sooo much better than me. Always showing me up with that god damn charming smirk on his face!" Bakugo ranted.

Krishima made sure to note the "charming smirk" part but didn't bring it up again...

Until 2 weeks later.

"Hey guys." You said as you walked up to the bakusquad. "Mind if I join? Your teams are uneven."

Everyone was at the beach because after a week of rain it was finally sunny. Everyone was in their bathing suits and the bakusquad had decided to play a "friendly" match of volleyball.

"Oh hell no!!" Bakugo yelled and chucked the ball at you but you caught it effortlessly.

"I'll take that as a yes if it's cool with you guys?" You asked.

Everyone but Bakugo nodded and agreed. Bakugo switched teams from Mina and Kirishima to Denki and Sero leaving you with Mina and Kirishima as teammates. 

"Ready?" You asked and got a nod from the others. 

In one swift move you served and scored. Mina high-fived you and stuck her tongue out at the other team. Bakugo then served which Mina caught allowing Kirishima to spike it down and win a point.

Your team shared High fives and Bakugo looked pissed. You were turning his own friends against him. They were dumb enough to fall for your charming smile and athletic ability but he wasn't. That was until you called time out a few more rounds in to grab the water you brought with you and take off your shirt. 

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