Light Yagami pt.2

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P/N - Parents name

TW: Mention of suicide and death

How could he be so stupid? This wasn't part of the plan! You were a mere pawn, a means to an end. You weren't important. He should be able to use you and throw you away like an insignificant tissue.

But then why was he here? Laying by your side, fingers intertwined, your hand softly running through his hair, your eyes staring into his with all the admiration in the world. He was looking back at you with such concentration, studying every imperfection he could lay his eyes on. But every time he found one it ceased to be an imperfection, just another reason he liked looking at you.

He was in too deep. He had fallen for you. He needed you with him, when you were apart, he longed to be back with you. What had you done to him? You had cursed him, poisoned him, he was under your spell. 

What had all started as a perfect scheme to get rid of some pesky cameras had turned into something so much more. He hadn't planned for this. He should be rid of you by now. You should be out of his mind completely. But instead, you plagued his thoughts every waking moment of the day. He couldn't bring himself to get rid of you.

He had chalked it up to still needing you to use as a cover. But the more he tried to convince himself of that the more he realized he was lying to himself. 

'I just need him to go on a fake date with me, so they don't find out I'm trying to go after that FBI agent.' Lies. He wanted to go on a date with you to see your face light up when he bought you the book you had been waiting ages for. He took you out to secretly hold your hand under a table and share fries with you. 

'This is the last time, I just need him to distract my parents long enough for me to write down a couple names.' More lies. It wasn't the last time. He came downstairs to see you, his mom, and sister baking sweets together in the kitchen. Everyone had a smile on their face, and you had an apron thrown on half hazardly that said "kiss the cook". It was a picture-perfect moment. He couldn't ruin it. He wanted that smile to stay on your face forever.

Every time the thought of you crossed his mind a smile crept its way onto his face. He was smitten with you. He wanted you to be his and his only for many years to come. 

But there was only one way that could happen. He had to be honest with you. Specifically about being Kira. He had only asked you once about your thoughts on Kira but you were already dozing off, so he thought it better to just let you sleep.

If he told you, would you understand? Would you stick by him? Or would you think of him as a monster. He wanted so badly for you to join him in his destiny to rid the world of filth. He didn't even want to think about what could happen if you said no.

"Y/N?" Light asked, barely above a whisper.

You smiled sweetly at him and Light wanted to bite his tongue to stop himself from what he was about to do. "Yes Light?" You asked.

"I have a confession to make." He said.

Your smile grew bigger, you hoped he was going to say what you thought he was going to say. You had been dating for so long now you wondered when he was finally going to say those special words.

"Yes?" You asked.

"It's something I've been meaning to tell you for some time now I just never gathered enough courage to until now."

"I'm listening." 

Light took a deep breath and looked at your smiling face before blurting out, "I'm Kira."

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