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I stopped the brand-new car in front of a café. I looked at the bright sign above the shop which read Carter’s in bright neon cursive handwriting. I had heard a lot about this Café from the other employee’s at the office. It was just two blocks away from the main building and I decided to get one for Javier since he had been so kind to me. What did he do?

I woke up today to see a brand-new car outside my door. Normally I had thought that Elliot had planned to surprise me but watching his shocked expression as he stood beside me was enough to tell me that he wasn’t the one. He told me that someone from my workplace came and left after dropping the key in his hand.

I tried asking Javier about it but he waved it off saying it was a perquisite of working and he wasn’t taking it back. To be honest, I didn’t want to return it too. The car was a beauty. It was a Mercedes benz. And I felt really grateful for the gesture. Maybe the man wasn’t that bad. Who was I kidding, he was a good man.
I made my way inside the café. It was a very warm and cozy place. I waited in the line for the coffee and my eyes roamed around the place. It wasn’t very big and was seriously in need of a renovation but it was a comfortable. The seats were filled with people and there was a long queue for coffee. I tapped my feet on the floor earning a glare from an old woman standing in front of me. It seemed like my tapping was irritating her. well, old woman your perfume is irritating me. I already sneezed once. Do you see me complaining? Nope. So she shouldn't either.

As my turn came, I gave my order and made my payment. The woman at the counter was a little younger than me. She seem to be still in college. All in all, she looked pretty apart underneath the huge bruise on the side of her face. i looked at the name tag that read Marissa. after a few minutes she gave me the cups and I made my way outside. I wanted to ask about her bruise but it was none of my business so I let it pass and drove towards my office.

I entered the elevator after a short greeting and meeting with Sera. I have found out by now that Sera was really very nice and bubbly. We sometimes spent the lunch together and I was glad that I was making a new friend.

In the past month, my life had been better than it has ever been. I was happy after a long time. It sometimes scared me to think what would happen if something changes now. I had tasted what happiness and freedom felt like. It would hurt more to lose them now. I had my brother back now, he was really sweet and caring and PROTECTIVE. I had a house to call my own. My own new car. A job with good pay. I couldn’t want anything more.

I was busy in my thoughts that I didn’t realise the door had opened. I rushed out my heels clicking on the floor. I sent a polite smile towards Scott who was a secretary on Mr. Kellen’s floor.

“Good Morning Elise.” He greeted.

“Morning, Scott.” I said as I stopped in front of his desk. “What do we have today?” I asked and he handed me a few files.

“These came yesterday from the HR department. They need to be signed by today.” I nodded as I tried to get the files to adjust in one hand while balancing the two coffee cups.

“Hey, I will take them to your office.” Scott said when he saw me struggling with the files.

“Thanks a lot Scott.”

We made our way towards my office as we talked.

“So, do you have any work scheduled during lunch?” he asked.

“No. Give me a minute.”

I knocked on the door to Vincent’s office and waited for a minute before walking in.

“Good morning Mr. Decker.” I said as I placed a cup in front of him. When Mr. Kellen asked me to bring coffee for first day, I had heard Vince shouting in background to get one for him too. So I always bring one for him too.

“Thanks Ms. Rivers.” He said and took the coffee cup.

“So you were saying?” I asked Scott once I came outside.

“Ah, Well can we have lunch together,” I turned to look at him, he looked nervous. “Like friends of course. I thought you wouldn’t mind but its okay if you do…”

I looked at Scott. He was a cute guy with curly hair and slightly tan skin. He was lean but had muscles too. And the glasses over his green eyes completed the look.

“I would love to.” I saw his face break into a wide grin. “But I usually have lunch with Sera, would it okay with you.”
“Totally. The more the merrier.” He bumped my shoulder playfully and left after dropping the files on my desk.

“See you at lunch.” I called after him. He turned walking backwards and gave me a two finger salute.

I shook my head and walked inside the den.

“Sir, your coff…” I stopped as I saw someone sitting in the couch but that someone wasn’t my boss. He too like all the men was hot and good looking but of course not more than Mr. Kellen. He was familiar looking but I couldn’t put my finger on where I had seen him.

I realized I had been staring at him while he was glaring at me coldly. I stared back at him. I was not someone to back down from anyone. That’s one thing Dad taught once he took us to the zoo. Its always mind games between the hunter and the prey. Its about who can intimidate who.
The man stood up and took a few steps towards me. Neither of us realized that Mr. Kellen was already in the room.

“Caden.” He called and the man Caden stopped in his tracks. He turned his ice like glare towards him. “Ms. Rivers, meet my cousin Caden Trevino. Cade, this is my new PA, Ms. Elise Rivers.” I extended my hand towards him for a handshake but he ignored it. Everything about this man was cold.

“Sir, your coffee.” I said shaking the chill in my bones. It was weird how that man could make me feel cold and Mr. Kellen mere presence gave me the sense of safety. Not that Mr. Kellen wasn’t rude but I had seen his warm side with Ry and if he were bad, he wouldn’t have given me the car. He said he did it for himself but I was grateful nonetheless for it.

“Keep it there.” He said pointing towards his desk, “And clear my schedule for this evening. I will be busy.” He was straightening his cuff and as a few strands of hair fell over his face, I couldn’t help but compliment his looks.

“Okay sir, anything else.” I asked. I could still feel the man Caden glaring at me.

“Yes, I am entrusting you to pick up Riley. You can take the day off after that.”

But who will look after him. As far as I know, Mr. Kellen hasn’t appointed any nanny after the mall fiasco and if he wasn’t home then Riley would have to stay alone.

“That’s none of your business, what he does.” A razor sharp voice said which made me flinch. I didn’t like his tone and my hands were aching to punch his face but I refrained. He is the boss’ family.

“Cade, You can’t talk to my employees like that.” Mr. Kellen said and I could see the sadness in his eyes as he looked at the blank face of his cousin. “And you don’t have to worry about Riley Ms. Rivers, George will look after him for this evening.”

I took my leave after that. I decided to totally forget about that rude and cold person and continued with my work, shifting the appointments to the next day and apologizing to the clients. Soon, it was lunch time and Scott was there at my door to accompany me. We made our way towards the reception desk and Sera joined us. It was weird that despite working in the company for a year both of them hadn’t met each other before that. They became friends instantly. It wasn’t a shock considering they were both friendly and over enthusiastic people.

I told them that I had a day off and we made plans to go out together. It was more like they planned and emotionally blackmailed me to accompany them but alright. I had never been out clubbing with friends and decided that it would be a new experience for me. Sera had promised me to pick me up and we would get dressed together in my house.
That was how I spent the rest of my day.

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