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After an hour long lecture from my brother about how I didn’t know anyone here and it was too early for me to go clubbing. He seems to have done a thesis on the miscreants of the society with statistical data by the way he started telling me about the crime rates in the city. I mean I knew he was a lawyer and had idea about crime and criminals but this was too much. 

In the end, he agreed to let me go after making me promise to not drink much, call him if there is even slightest problem, be back before midnight, and to keep a pepper spray with me. It was cute watching him fussing over my safety. I couldn’t help hug him and promised him that I would be safe.

Sera came by six at my house and we both got ready within an hour. It didn’t take long because I had planned my look already. I pulled on a white sequin wrap dress with a metal belt. The dress was full sleeved but showed a lot of my chest. I was comfortable with my body and didn’t worry too much about it. I paired it with white strappy heels and kept my hair open with a wavy look. My makeup was simple but glittery with pink lips.

I was admiring my look in the mirror when I saw Sera. She was looking hot in a tight red dress which showed off her body perfectly. She kept her hair straight and wore four inch red heels.

“Sera, you look hot.” I said. I swear she was going to make a lot of guys uncomfortable tonight.

She blushed at my comment but then her eyes widened as she looked me over. “wow Ellie. You look like an angel. I had no idea white was a party color till now.”

I grinned at her. She had made a face when she had seen my wardrobe and its lack of colors. She even wanted to take me to shopping. Now I was proud of my choice after she praised it. Not that I wasn’t before. But Hey! Compliments feel good.

“What are we waiting for?” she shouted excitedly.

As we made our way downstairs, Elliot was standing there waiting for me. He looked surprised on seeing me and pulled me in a hug once I was in front of him. 

“You look beautiful princess.” He said and planted a soft kiss on my head. “But this dress is too revealing. Don’t you have anything better.”

“Lee, I like this one. And don’t worry I will take care of myself.” I told him.

“You better.” He gave me a stern look. “If you are even a second late…”

“I know , I know.”

“You too look pretty.” Lee said looking past me at my friend for the first time, whose face now matched her dress.

“Thank you.”

“Your brother is so hot.” Sera exclaimed once we were outside the door. I could faintly hear a chuckle inside the house meaning Lee heard her. “You guys have some good genes.” She said dreamily.

“Dude, that’s my brother. He is out of reach for you.” I told her. Not that I would have any problem if something happened in between them but It was clear that Lee had no interest in her. he didn’t even look at her twice when she looked so hot. I know my brother. He would have his own special love story. 


I sat down beside Caden in the VIP lounge of the club. It was one of the many clubs that my cousin owned. He was busy barking orders at his employees while I looked around myself. He had built this place on his own. Like mine, his parents too died a few years ago. I guess that was the turning point in his life and I pray no one has to go through things that he did. Caden might be cold and harsh but deep inside, he was a good man and just needed someone to break through these walls that he had created for himself. This morning, I was surprised to see in my office and glaring at my PA. But I was impressed with that girl for standing her ground. Even many well build people had been scared of his glare which did no work on her.

He needed my help with his club and wanted me to invest in it. He was the only family remaining except Riley of course and I couldn’t refuse him. Before he changed, he was a really enthusiastic person much like Vince. He loved playing pranks on me and we three were best friends but then shit happened and he drifted apart from all of us.

“I want to fire them all.” He huffed as he plopped down on the sofa in front of me with his whiskey in his hand.

“And how do you plan to handle all of this.” I asked waving my hands towards the crowd of people in the packed club.

“I will hire new staff.” He shrugged his shoulder at me.

“This isn’t the way to do business Cade, you have to give your staff a sense of security. You can’t expect them to work efficiently if you are breathing down their neck all the time. When they are afraid they will lose their job if they make slightest mistake.” I told him.

“They will loosen up if I give them space and I build this empire , I won’t let anyone jeopardize it.”

“That’s the problem. You didn’t build this alone. You all build this. You and your employees. Nothing is build without trust, not even business relationships.”

Cade looked at the crowd like something interesting caught his sight. His face morphed in a smirk.

“Like you trust you PA?” he asked. I knew he was referencing to my statement about entrusting her with Riley. But that was true. I had seen her taking care of him and she was really careful and loving towards him.

“Why are you bringing her here?” I asked irritated. 

“Oh but I didn’t. She came by herself.” He said taking a sip.

“What do you mean?”

“Why don’t you ask her?” he said pointing towards the crowd. I followed his line of sight and was shocked to see her angelic face. She looked very beautiful in her simple makeup and rather revealing dress. Despite that, she looked classy and graceful in the way she moved around the club. There was my secretary Scott and another employee, probably named Sarah. 

“Office romance?” Cade asked and I turned to look at him. My eyes stayed glued to her as she made her way towards the bar.

“You know I stopped after Riley came into picture.” I told him. It was true that I had a reckless past where I used to be a player. There was a different girl in my bed every month and I enjoyed it. But once I took my little baby in my arms, I knew I wanted to be better for him. I wanted him to look at me with pride in his eyes.

“We will see.” Caden said and we returned to our business conversation.


I had a feeling of being watched ever since I stepped inside this club. I tried to stay glued to Sera and Scott to avoid any drunk guys. I was enjoying my time here and could see the sparks flying between my two friends so when both of then excused themselves from me while trying to be discreet, I internally awed and let them go. 

Right now, I was sitting with my fifth cup of drink in my hand and the weird feeling of being watching crawled up my spine again. But this time it was different. This time it was ominous. I decided it was time for me to leave. I poured down my drink down my throat in a gulp and stood up. 

I was leaving the club when I was jerked back into someone’s chest with a painful grip on my arm. I collided with the person’s chest with my back facing him. I felt myself shiver in panic. My body was telling me that whoever it was dangerous. The person bent down to my ear.

“Hey darling.” He whispered. I knew that voice. I would know that voice anywhere in the world.

It was him. The person I never wanted to see again. It was him who broke me beyond repair.

It was him.


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