Chapter 31

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Hey Loveliess!!!!

Happy Reading 📖


After a month....

Ishana's POV

I can clearly hear the sound of footsteps cause of the pin-drop silence in this room

I can even hear the breathes of everyone and impatient tapping sounds of the foots on the floor

And I know who's it ???

"Abhishek!" Paras called out irritatedly

"What?" Abhi grumbled

"Stop tapping your foot!" Akshu spatt while Ragini Aunty slapped her head

"Stop spatting at that poor boy, you guys always do that with him!" Aunty said and Abhi nodded in agreement

I giggled loudly as it's too funny seeing there faces as they all glared me and make a poker face

"Stop giggling!" Vish gritted as pouted on it

"How can you be so cool girl? Don't you feel scared in any subject ?" Yuvi asked frowning as I yawned and stretched my arms

"No!" I said and grinned

"Why? It's our result day!" Abhi said

"So what? It's result Day not a death day!" Akshu said rolling her eyes

"Exactly! And I know whatever I wrote it's correct then... why fear? And whom to fear?" I said side hugged Aunty

"And don't you trust me Rajput? Almost all the MCQs answers given by me to you!" I said frowning as he scratch the back of his neck

"Huh?!! From next time I won't help you!" I spatt and thinned my lips as Ragini Aunty laugh

"That's very bad Abhi!" Aunty teased him as he pout and sit beside

"Hihi... Sorry! I'm just tensed... Hihihi!!" He said sheepishly and laugh

"Abhi will get safe but what about US?" Paras whinned

"Stop whinning like a girl Paras!" Akshu grumbled "Mom... Sir already came!" She said and dragged me and Aunty with her

We entered and gretted our Professor as he nodded at US as Aunty take a seat and we both stand side by side

"Ishu!!" Aunty called me and signed US becokened as we did the same as Sir is busy in taking out our report cards

"I hope you both didn't did any mischief that I've to listen it now cause if I heard na then I'll surely cancel all your plans and twisted your ears.... preciously YOU! My Ishu!" Aunty deadpanned with a chessy smile on her face

Akshu be like : "(╥﹏╥)"

And me be like: "(˘・_・˘)"

"We... We didn't did anything! Sacchii!" I said her pinching my throat as Akshu too nodded vigorously

"Better!" She whispered and look towards Sir

As Sir look towards US and then at Aunty and asked "Ishana... Where's your parents?"

"Sir... For now I'm her guardian as she's from Ahemdabad and she came here for studies!" Aunty answered

"Oh, Okay!" Sir said

As Sir passes the both of our report cards and discuss something with her as I feel bored and raked my eyes here and there as I noticed one man in his mid 40 same as my father's age standing beside Abhi

FOREVER: 𝓗𝓮𝓪𝓵𝓲𝓷𝓰 𝓗𝓮𝓻 𝓗𝓮𝓪𝓻𝓽Where stories live. Discover now