Chapter 36

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Hey Loveliess!

Happy Reading 📖


Rohan's POV

"Why you're going that side?" That Shlok asked

"Activity Room!" She said as this Idiotic Shlok laugh on her

Why he's laughing?

"It's on right side so stop going on opposite direction! Come!" He said and hold her hand and dragged her

This Lad!

"I told you na, See!" Sary said to Akshu and sighed as she too followed them

She left with Sary and that Shlok fastly towards Activity Room she's looking tense she's must be too much nervous

"This Moron Shlok! We've to tell Ishu to stay away from him!" Abhi grumbled

"He's hitting on my sister infront of everyone! The nerve of this Pesk!" Akshu hissed and huffed

"She is not a kid and why you guyzz are reacting like this?" I commented

"Exactly! She's worst than a kid and in this matter she's a dimwit. Who don't have any idea about bf's or love!" Akshu grumbled

"What? Don't tell me that she's never be in a relationship till now" I retrotted with shock

Too my shock Akshu nodded in Yes as I and others shouted saying "WHAT?"

"Oh god, Then all my plan of equations will be flop... she's totally naive and he--" I heard Abhi's whispers

"What are you saying?" I asked as he look at me then shook his head vigorously

"No! Nothing at all!" He said and jerked his head

"God! It's a breaking news for US!" Paras exclaimed and laugh

"Exactly! I mean we both leave it even.... Akshu! you also being in a relationship with that Specky guy in our school and Yuvi, you too being in a relationship with that Aarti or whatever her name is...." Vish said

"That's for a month okay!" Akshu grumbled and huffed

"Exactly! And mine it's just for a experience but that a worst one!" Yuvi sneered annoyingly as we all laughed even Akshu too

"And we're not going talk about this two!" Paras said pointing at Me and Abhi and shook his head as I growled

'But truely she's a fully Virgin.... Oh my! my!" My bad mind commented

Seriously! It's shocking for me!

"Okay! I'm also going for my Decor classes" Paras said and left hurriedly

Now, everyone have their extra curricular subject classes as Akshu, Paras and Vish left for the classes

But my curriculum subject class always have in early morning which irritate me too much but what to do....

"Let's go we've to go for practice!" Abhi said as I nodded

"Yuvi what happened?" I asked as he's grinning in himself looking at his phone

"Rohan! Abhi! I'll meet you guyz later... At E-commerce class okay! For now, bye!" He said and left hurriedly

"What happened to him?" Abhi stated eyeing his retreating figure

FOREVER: 𝓗𝓮𝓪𝓵𝓲𝓷𝓰 𝓗𝓮𝓻 𝓗𝓮𝓪𝓻𝓽Where stories live. Discover now