11. You can bill me later

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I have just started replying to messages and will be continuing to do so over the coming days. If I haven't responded to your message by the end of the week, send me another and I will respond.

Also, I'm going to be putting up a poll on Instagram today, taking a vote of whether or not you all would want a sequel to Password Incorrect. Now if a sequel ever does happen, it likely wouldn't be any time soon, but I figured I could take a vote to see how many of you would read a sequel if I wrote one.

Anyway, enjoy the chapter!

Everly's POV

Ian looked between Sam and me. "I'm clearly missing something here," He said. "So do either one of you want to actually fill me in?"

I didn't respond to Ian instead, I pulled my phone out of my pocket and dialed Lily's number. I had a really bad feeling about this.

"You are without a doubt, the worst friend ever-"

"The party's over," I cut her off.

"Well duh, considering there's no birthday girl-"

"Lily," I said. "I need Nicky brought to my building now. I need you to send everybody home. Send Delta 2 out my way along with any other agents you invited to the party."

I turned to Ian. "Call in your team members, get them here, but make sure they don't come in the building."

"Ev," Lily said. "What's going on?"

"I'll explain when you get here," I said as I pushed up out of my seat. If we're still alive. "Just do not come into the building. Stay outside."

Sam frowned at me. "Why don't you want them coming inside?"

"Lily," I said as I got into the security system on the computer. "I need Nicky now," I said. "but do not let her come by herself." I hung up before Lily could begin asking more questions. I wanted to answer them, and I would, but at the moment I had more pressing problems.

Like getting everyone out of the building. Immediately.

Except, I couldn't. Because someone had overridden my clearance to the security systems. I slammed my hands down on the desk in frustration before looking to Sam.

"Get out of the building," I told him. "Find Megan and start getting people out of the building, now."

"You want to tell me what's going on?" Sam asked me.

I pushed past him and walked up to the fire alarm on the wall just outside my office door. I pulled it. The alarm started to blare and the lights started flashing. Hopefully, that would help manage to get everyone out of the building.

I grabbed my pack of tools from the top drawer of the desk and dropped to the floor. I pulled myself under the desk. "I don't have time to explain. Both of you just get out of here," I said as I began to take apart the computer.

It took me longer than I would have liked before I was able to remove the hard drive from the computer. I pulled myself out from under the desk only to see Ian leaning in the doorway to my office.

"I thought I told you to get out of the building," I said.

"You did," Ian said with a shrug. "But that didn't seem to apply to you."

I grabbed hold of his arm as I brushed past him. "Seriously," I said. "we need to leave, now."

"You've said that," Ian replied. "Are you going to explain why? Both you and Sam seem to know something and neither one of you has felt the need to share it."

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