6. Surprise

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Thanks for waiting.

I have the rest of this month off as well as most of next month, therefore, we're going to see just how many chapters I can get done by the time my next semester of college starts up.

I realize it's been a long while and I do apologize, but my college classes will always come first. And considering I'm studying for a degree in biochemistry, it's not easy and it's very time-consuming.

Alright, now on to the update. Enjoy!

Oh, and Catching the Storm has been updated as well for those of you reading that story.

Everly's POV

"How exactly do the two of you know each other?" Ian questioned me.

I shrugged. "We really don't," I replied. "But let's just say that Tessa seems to believe she's in competition with me."

"I find it hard to believe that you did nothing to provoke her."

I continued walking down the hallway. "You can believe whatever you want," I said as I balanced the files in one arm and pulled my phone that Lily had brought with her to give to me from my pocket as it began to vibrate. "I really don't care. Though you should ask yourself if you really think Tessa needs a reason to a bitch to someone."

Ian scoffed. "Tessa's not always that bad."

"Tessa's default setting is bitch," I replied as I answered the incoming call from Lily. "What's up?"

I could hear sirens in the background. I rolled my eyes. "What did you do? You only just left me at the agency like half an hour ago."

"Everly, I-I . . ."

I stopped in my steps as soon as she spoke, because there was pure panic in her tone.

"What's going on?" I asked her urgently. "What happened?"

There was a sob from her end. "I just got back to your house." Another sob. "It's Henri."

My heart stopped and I nearly dropped all the files in my arms.

"You need to get here. Now. I don't know-" She was cut off by another sob followed by a flurry of voices.

I didn't bother to wait for her to continue. "I'm on my way," I told her.

I was stopped, however, by a hand grabbing hold of my arm.

"You're so dead set on helping with finding my team member and now you're just going to bail?"

"It's an emergency," I hissed at Ian, my mind going frantic at the possibilities of what could be happening.

Henri had been living with me for years after the death of his wife. He'd been an old family friend who I would ask to look after my house while I was out of town and he and his wife would do just that. After she'd passed away, however, he'd ended up moving into my house and still taking care of it as I was mostly gone. He was like a father figure to me and he viewed me like a daughter. He was also older and so, I was worried about his health.

"I'm sure," Ian replied sarcastically.

I glared at him. "Look," I said. "I don't have time to deal with you right now. You can talk to Zero and ask him for my address. Come by later and we'll go over what's been done to look for your team member as well as what our next move."

I began moving down the hallway once more. "That is unless you're still adamant about not wanting my help, in that case just do whatever you damn well please, and I'll take care of the rest."

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