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After a few hours we came to the beach

Jungki was happy we brought Jennie and Lisa cause it would be more fun we were drinking cocktails and judging people's outfit

like this one man looked like an orange no offense

We played beach ball jungki and yoongi were in the ocean having fun

We then went for icecream

Today was fun very fun

I was still shocked by yoongi being in the mafia but what can go wrong right? But I mean don't they sell or use drugs and smoke cigarettes? I've never seen yoongi smoke and I don't think he will ever do it and he doesn't even have any tattoos but oh boy jungkook he has a full sleeve tattoo but it looked good I wonder if he knows about yoongi being in the mafia I bet he does

Just then jimin called me

"hi Besty guess what" said jimin
"Wat?" I asked he's tone said that he has drama and I was all here for it
"So like jungkook has being avoiding raaya and he always says bye or ignore us when we talk about him getting married so I decided to stalk him okay..and this bitch met up with someone else who wasn't Raaya like she was blonde and Raaya isn't" he said as he was very proud of what he found out but what a bad luck for him that raaya actually dyed her hair blonde yesterday "yeah jimin...bad news...raaya dyed her blonde so um- bye" I laughed and hanged up I knew for sure he was being all sassy rn

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