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We came home

It was getting dark I made Pesto Zoodles with Chicken, Tomatoes & Pine Nuts for dinner

Cause it was easy to make and it is a very good dish to eat: all you need to make it is Zucchini, olive oil, jarred pesto, grilled or pan-cooked chicken, grape tomatoes (cut in half), and pine nuts

Soon jungki and yoongi came down I gave them a plate and put it on their plate "how's it" I asked yoongi as he took a bite "it's good I love it" I smiled at him we started eating while watching paw patrol which jungki forced us to watch actually

After that I put jungki to sleep me and yoongi were watching a movie but then I got a call it was from jimin..did he wanna say that jungkook and raaya aren't together anymore gosh I picked up the phone and all I heard was screams "HAHSHHSHSHS Y/N I NEED YOU AYRA IS GONNA GIVE BIRTH HURRYYYYY!!!" I hung up and told yoongi he called an babysitter and we went to the hospital when we arrived at the hospital all of them were there

This boy called the whole gang we could hear ayra screaming and the doctor telling her to push "SHE IS PUSHING YOU DICKHEAD" jimin screamed we all just started laughing at jimin it's his 3rd child and he's still like this

After 20 minutes the baby was born it was a girl hearing her little cries made us all tear up it was happy tears

we got get inside and looked at the baby I started crying as I saw her she looked so cute "aish y/n don't cry" jimin said as he pats my back "you have tears rolling down your eyes rn" I said in between sobs I get to pick her up the first ayra smiled at me and said "I want y/n unnie to name the baby cause she names the best" I smiled at her and nodded "I name her celina" I smiled and booped her nose "aww such a cute name" said ayra and jimin at the same time jungkook came and took her from my arms and it went on on like that till all of them got to pick her up


Its 09:44 am here and I haven't slept at all lol I'm gonna sleep now I'll probably wake up around who knows when lol hope you guys like the chapter I'll update as soon as I can I love you all so much and thank you for all the support you guys are showing me ❤️

ALSO be ready to stream PTD !!!!!I can't wait

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