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Then after a moment, Seb kissed Aiden on the cheek and that's when Alphonso loses his temper control. He started cursing like a damn sailor. And seeing this, the devil queen loses her temper and gives Alphonso's back head a loud smack. DAMN, AND IT HURTS LIKE HELL.

Then she took hold of his ear, took him to the other room, and started yelling at him. All of them were quiet and didn't want to make any moment so that it could be them next.

Everyone was angry watching the scene that was displayed but was more afraid of what the Devil queen could do. After 15 minutes they both came from the room Devil Queen with an annoyed expression and Alphonso with a scared expression.

She looked at the boys once again and the boys gave her a cheeky nervous smile. She understood that she doesn't need to give an example again. And she glared at them and start moving towards her husband.



As the holidays were getting over for the school. Armando along with his sons was a little skeptical about sending Aiden to school. They don't want to lose their little princess again. It was already hard for them to once lose her and they can't afford to lose her again.

They wanted to just lock their princess in their mansion and does not want her to leave anytime soon or maybe never. When Armando told about this to everyone, few agreed while few did not and those few only consists of Isabella(well you count Seb as well)who did not agree with him to home school Aiden.

Armando wants to protest but one glare from her was enough to shut everybody. 


Armando had called everybody into the living room for the talk and when I say everybody it also includes the Marquez family. Well, the Marquez family nowadays lives practically in the Accardi mansion only.

It did not bother much to the Accardi family but bothered more than this world for them to practically live here. Because they don't get to spend some alone time with their princess as she was only playing with "her" Sebastian aka her new best friend. (Well that's what she tells them.)

The whole house was sitting in the living except for the toddlers as they were playing in the playing room. Armando sat on from his seat and cleared his throat. Everybody turns their attention towards him.

"Well, I was thinking that we should home-school Aiden. As you guys know I have a lot of enemies out and I don't want to lose my process again." Armando said. While everybody just "hummed", well everybody except Isabella. She just narrowed her eyes at him and asked "Why do you think it's a good idea to just lock her into the mansion and home school her and don't let her make any friends."She said in one go.

"You know Isa that I would not like my daughter to be harmed in any way, and I will always protect her. She is my everything and I will do anything for her. Even if it means to lock her up in the mansion not let her meet anybody except for her family." Armando said with a little confidence (because he needed some to talk in front of Isabella but she could be the lucifer herself if not taken our words and actions clearly) and frustration.

Isabella smirked and said "Well you remember the story of the rapunzel right Armando? She was being locked up in her tower for years and because of that, she wanted to go down of that tower and run away into the world of the crowd. And you remember what happened one day? A prince came to her rescue to help her see the outside world, who helped her to get away from the tower and explore the outer world. And if I am not wrong she then ran away with the prince to find her happiness? Just think if you locked her up in the mansion and one day something like this happened what will you do guys? Just think somebody came to her rescue then and she leaves you guys then?" 

Everybody just groaned listening to this story except for the Marquez family who tries to hide their smiles and laughter behind their cold faces.

To make the guys more jealous Isabella added "What if that prince happens to be my son?"Everybody groaned ore louder than the last time and this time the Marquez family could not hide laughter anymore.

Well looks like Aiden is going to school.................


Hey guys! Emeline here sorry for taking so much of a long time to update the new chapter. I had been busy for a while. And now my exams are ging to start and I am so happy for it.(NOTE THE SARCASM)

Either way I will try to post and new chapter by today or tomorrow. KEYWORD "TRY". So yeah no promises.

Also next chapter will contain of more words and Aiden in it. 




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