Chapter 1

418 41 3

Published : 27 August

Elizabeth's POV

I groaned at my ringing alarm clock , looking at the bedside table I noticed I still have twenty minutes as it was the first alarm .
I turned my head to the other side and snuggled in the blanket once again.

What no one likes to leave their precious bed , especially me !

I usually set two alarms as I could never woke up in one time . Now I just have to leave this bed before the second alarm so I could get ready and make myself some breakfast before leaving for office.

After some time I heard my room's door banged open making me groan followed by a screaming Ana " Beth can you make some baco-" and she trailed off .

Why is she in my room so early or better yet why is she up before me ??

"Beth you are still sleeping !! Do you have a day off ?? "


I made my thoughts vocal by uttering  " what??....No !I don't have day off , I am just gonna get ready for office and what happened to you ? You are up so early !! " I smiled at her sitting up straight on the bed

" I am early !! What do you mean by that , I woke up at a normal time like normal people unlike you and for your kind information I am not early , you are late overslept " she ranted ,as usual when she is irritated she starts blabbering .
But what did she said

Me ? overslept !!

I looked at clock it read 8:13am.

Oh no !

" I am so dead today , Mr King is gonna eat me alive !! " I ran to my cupboard and picked the first set of clothes I saw then ran to my bathroom all the while muttering strings of profanities about my alarm not working and blaming Ana for not coming here earlier
While she laughed at me .

I had the quickest shower in the world and after towel drying my hairs for a minute I let them be as I quickly applied some moisturizer on my face followed by some makeup which Ana thought me how to use , a lip taint and maskara . I wasn't very good at makeup but could make my self presentable If I tried  following all the tips Ana taught me . I didn't liked much make up on my face and also I couldn't go to my office directly after having a shower . So I needed a little bit makeup which would make me look beautiful and professional at the same time . As I said I wasn't good at doing makeup but Ana was a pro and she loved to doll me up and even taught me few tips which I could use in my daily life .

But an eyeliner was never a friend of mine .
It was kind of 'mission impossible' for me to apply a winged eye-liner on both the eyes .

So I bailed on eye liner today as usual .

I plugged my hairdryer in to blow dry my hairs which were still wet and again looked at the clock and it reads 8: 24 am

I gotta hurry.

I didn't have much time left , Zachary King hates lazy people .
I agree that he is arrogant and egoistic but he is a punctual bastard .

If I get late he will fire me directly as he did to the receptionist last month .she was just 2 minutes late and he fired her without even listening to her explanation . As much he hated tardiness he hated excuses even more.

I can't be late , I have to be in office at 9:00 am anyhow ,and it took me exactly 25 minutes to reach the office. If I leave in five I'll be able to be on time.

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