chapter 10

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Published on: 11nov

Elizabeth's POV

" DONE!" I muttered as i packed the blue berry cupcakes which i made for Bran . It's his birthday today so i made these cupcakes for him since he loves them too much .

Actually he got to taste some of them from Zach. I'm telling you that man turns into a literal child, if he gets some baked good . He has a huge sweet tooth.

I rushed to my room to get ready. I am sure Chloe must be freaking out. I helped Chloe plan this last-minute birthday party. We had to work till late night and then Zach dropped me back home.

I was ready to go out when my phone rang . As soon i saw the caller ID a huge smile crept on my face,just his name was enough to make my day.

"Hey!" I began was cut off soon

" So how is my favourite girl in world doing ! " He said making me laugh.

" I am fine! And how is my favourite man doing?" I asked

" Oh! Just okay , as you know this man is getting old !" He made a sad voice.

" Who says that ? You still got that charm to sway girls . And i am sure Judy would agree with me dad! " I chuckled

" That i can ! " He laughed " so what is keeping my daughter so busy that she didn't call me yesterday!"

" You know my job dad ! I was swamped with work last night. It was pretty last when I got free and i knew it was past your bed time so refrained . I am sorry dad i didn't wanted to disturb your sleep!"

" You can never disturb me Lizzie and you know i can't sleep without talking to you . You mean the world to ne babyboo!!" He said softly

" I know dad ! I promise I'll call you daily so don't worry about me and please dad stop with that name , i am grown up now !!"

He laughed " never ! "

I huffed " how is Judy ?"

" She is fine and making me my favourite sandwich !! And you know what last night she made this tasty new dish i dont know the name but it was sweet and so yum! "
He rambled like a kid.

" Dad! Keep your sugar in control and let me talk to Judy , I'll tell her to -"

" My sugar is absolutely fine ! And you are not telling her to cut my sugar supply !!"

" Sometimes I feel like i am the parent you are the child ! " And we both burst into laughter .
Our relationship has always been strange . We took care of each other and taught each other things and that made us immensely close.

" I miss u so much Lizzie! When will you come see me ! " He asked softly

" I miss you too dad . And i will soon!" I promised

" You better young lady ! " He fake chastised acting like a strict broody dad he can never become.

Just then the doorbell rang .

" I gotta go dad ! I'll talk to you later , love you and miss you . Bye!!"

" Bye babyboo!!"


" What are you doing here ?! " i asked shocked not expecting him here.

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