19 - Trust

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You're awakened from a rather deep sleep when your cell phone begins to ring suddenly on your bedside table. Your eyes widen in a slight panic as your heart pounds in your chest from being startled so abruptly.

A few quiet grumbles escape past your lips before you prop yourself up on one arm and use your other arm to pat blindly on the table for the ringing device. When you bring your phone up to your face, you squint at the bright light and blink a few times to get a better view.

Favorite Pack

When you read the familiar contact name - courtesy of Taehyung, who had originally insisted on 'Favorite Tiger' but then begrudgingly changed it after several complaints from Jungkook - you don't hesitate to swipe to answer the call when you realize it's the boys calling from the house.

"Hello? Is everything alright? You guys never call this early," you mumble worriedly the moment you pick up. Your eyes dart nervously around your room as you bring your bottom lip in between your teeth and nibble gently. Based on how the rays of sunlight peeking past your curtains are dim and faintly visible, it can't be any later than six in the morning.

"Y/N, I think someone's here," a voice whispers so softly. You practically strain your ears just to figure out who the voice belongs to. And it takes a moment for you to realize it's Hoseok's trembling voice speaking into the other side of the line.

"Inside or outside the house?" you ask immediately, voice ringing with alarm.


You let out an unconscious sigh of relief and your body relaxes, knowing that the boys are alone inside the house.

"But I think they're in the front yard."

"Are you sure? Do you know who it is?" you continue to ask, voice unconsciously dropping to match Hoseok's whisper.

"I-I don't think so. Yoongi woke us all up very suddenly a few minutes ago and now we're hiding in the bathroom while he's trying to get a peek," the red panda panics.

"Okay, I need you to take a few deep breaths for me, Hobi," you instruct calmly. "Get someone to bring Yoongi back to you guys. I'm going to check the live security footage right now."

Much to your reluctance, you peel back your warm bed covers and pad over to your desk to grab your laptop. Once the device is in your hand, you dash back to your bed, eager to hop back into its warmth.

"Security footage?" You hear Jimin's curious voice mumble in the background. You're about to ask if Hoseok has you on speakerphone right now, but you quickly stop yourself when you're reminded that hybrids have much better hearing than humans.

"Yes - this was actually one of the reasons why the current property you're staying at was a strong contender for when I was thinking of temporary living arrangements for your pack. It's one of the properties where my grandfather had security cameras installed because he would actually use this house for his own purposes sometimes," you explain. "But don't worry. The cameras are only monitoring the outside of the property. So you all still have your privacy when it comes to everything that goes on inside the house itself."

"Oh shit." You hear someone curse very softly.

"Kookie, that means Y/N saw me chasing you around in the backyard with you running around in just your underwear!" Seokjin exclaims rather happily. You bite your bottom lip to stifle the giggle that threatens to escape past your lips but you can hear hushed chuckles coming from the rest of the pack.

"Oh my god! Don't say it out loud!" a very flustered black panther hybrid whines.

"Guys, now is not the time to be giggling over Kook making a fool of himself. We could be in danger," Namjoon's stern voice cuts in suddenly.

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