31 - Boss Woman

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"Congratulations, Y/N," Director Sim speaks into his end of the line. "I know Hyunki would have been very proud of you. I'm sure he's smiling down at you from one of the stars above."

The director's comment catches you off guard and you find yourself choking on your breath. It feels like the wind was just knocked out of your chest and there's a slight stinging sensation in the back of your throat before tears rush and pool in your eyes.

"Thank you, Director Sim," you sniffle. You manage to crack a smile even though he can't see you. The pack, however, can see you and everyone collectively huddles closer towards each other when they realize your unshed tears aren't sad tears. They're relieved tears. Because for the first time in your life - you're finally certain of what you want to do and you know that it's the right decision.

"It almost feels wrong to hear you call me Director Sim now," the older male chuckles.

"Don't you dare suggest I address you by your first name now that I'm assuming the position of CEO. You still have my utmost respect - not only as a director but also as one of my grandfather's closest friends," you joke back, but you mean each word sincerely.

"Aye, look at you. You're all grown up now," he sighs and you can practically hear the proud smile lingering on his lips. "I still remember when Hyunki ran up to me the day he returned to work after you were born. He showed me a picture of him holding you and he looked like the luckiest grandfather in the world. You should have seen him, Y/N. The man was glowing out of pure happiness."

"I wish I could have seen that look on his face," you chuckle softly, trying to imagine your grandfather running through his office building only to show off a picture of his newborn granddaughter.

"You're going to do great things as the new CEO," Director Sim encourages you gently after a brief pause. "I'll let you get back to what you were doing and I'll go contact some of my men to set up a press conference for the big announcement tomorrow."

"Is there anything I can do to help?" you ask eagerly.

"Focus on your own matters first, Y/N," the director chuckles. "Didn't you just mention that you're adopting some of the members of your pack so that you can take matters into your own hands? I'm sure you're busy enough."

"Well, I think everything is almost sorted out on my end. I already called Soobin earlier and he's going to send me the documents-"

"Get some rest, Y/N. Even if everything's almost sorted out on your end, you have a long day ahead of you tomorrow. The press is going to go crazy. And once the day ends tomorrow, you know better than anyone that you're probably in for one hell of a ride for the next month because of your family," Director Sim urges.

"Alright," you sigh defeatedly.

"I'll send you the details for the conference once I have everything, alright? Good evening, Y/N."

"Thank you again so much. Goodnight, Grandpa Sim," you respond before hanging up.

"So, we're Y/N's pack now?" Jimin teases when you throw your body back against the couch that you're sitting on.

"Huh? What are you talking about?" you mumble in confusion, raising your head up to look at the fox hybrid.

"Well, if I heard correctly, Director Sim said that you're thinking of adopting some of the members in your pack," he points out.

"Oh, that's not what he meant," you chuckle awkwardly when you finally remember the director's words. "He just meant-"

"I like the sound of it," Jungkook shrugs with a lazy grin stretching on his lips. "We're Y/N's pack. Just like how everyone is going to be Y/N's bitch now that she's a boss woman of a company."

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