Chapter 32 From Friends, To Family, To Forever

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I spent more time than I liked to admit picking my outfit out this morning to go over to the packhouse and see Xavier. And of course Cecelia too.

          I had a whole speech planned out in my head. I had spent the whole morning and the drive to the packhouse talking to myself.

          If anyone saw me they would think that I was crazy.

          But hey! I have a boyfriend that turns into a giant wolf and is the leader of a whole bunch of other werewolves — so how much more crazy can I get?

          Ivy and Audrey let me know that Xavier would most likely be locked away in his room. He had been avoiding the packhouse, not wanting to talk to anyone.

He had given me a spare key to his house, telling me to stop by whenever and that I was always welcome. Well, I really hope that Xavier still means that now because I'm literally standing on his front deck.

I quickly unlocked the front door before I could change my mind and chicken out. The only other car in the driveway was Xavier's truck, just like the girls said there'd be. Ivy and Audrey promised to take the boys away from their mopping best friend for a while so that we could talk without everyone there.

Xavier's parents, Mr. And Mrs. Black, we're spending all their time at the packhouse right now, doing all the paperwork and taking care of things.

"Xavier!" I called out through the house. "It's me."

           I heard the sound of someone falling to the floor, and then pound footsteps stomping down the stairs before an out-of-breath Xavier spread in front of me. He was wearing a pair of grey sweatpants that were hanging dangerously low, and his brown hair somehow looked messy and perfect all at once.

          How is it that even when I'm mad and sad with him that he still manages to make my heart flutter?

          "Hey," Xavier said trying to act causal. "Uh-" he went to take a step closer to me, but somehow tripped over nothing and almost face-planted. "Hey, how are you? I was just, you know, uh-"

            I cut him off before he could make an even bigger fool of himself. "I miss you," I said cutting straight to the point.

          Xavier's face softens immediately at my words. It was hard to see him as a big, bad alpha when he looked like a lost puppy right now.

          "And I'm sorry," I went on. "I know how much you care about me and that you were doing the right thing."

          "Addison," Xavier said. "I only ever want you to be safe, and I failed you. I let you get taken and hurt and I'll never forgive myself for that."

"It wasn't your fault-"

"Yes, it was," Xavier cut me off. "And I know that it was. Addie," he said softly taking a slam step closer. "None of this would have happened if I didn't drag you into all of this. You wouldn't have to worry about werewolves, or crazy hunters wanting to hurt you, or any of this. You wouldn't have been laying in the hospital or be covered in cuts and bruises."

I could hear the slight break in his voice as he spoke. It was just like how my mom described it to me. That Xavier would do anything to make sure that I was safe.

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