ω | twenty-five

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I COULDN'T WIPE AWAY THE SMILE ON MY FACE. Pushing through the ebony doors to Aphrodite's chambers, I carried the fresh towels to the washroom. I had drawn her a bath earlier, added drops of the scented oils into the hot water and washed her hair gently. Aphrodite's head leaned on the side of the tub, eyes closed, just as I had left her to be.

I cleared my throat.

She opened her eyes and when she saw the towels in my hand, she rose from the water. She dried herself with it, after which I slid a thin satin coat around her. She hadn't spoken to me except for calling out orders.

"I-I just wanted to say thank you," I began.

"You have no reason," Aphrodite said sharply, inspecting the dresses I laid out for her.

"Tyhi told me that you asked him to take me to the sea. I can't thank you enough for it. It was the best thing that someone could have possibly done for me," I gushed, going back to the previous night and smiling at the memory.

Aphrodite swirled around to look at me. "He didn't tell you, did he?"

I frowned. "What didn't he tell me?"

"Ah, I should have known. Tyhi likes to avoid situations instead of trying to face them head on. I thought he might have changed when he applied for Apollo's school two days ago, but he is still the same coward," Aphrodite said.

"Tyhi applied for Lord Apollo's school?" I asked. "He never told me."

"Wonderful," Aphrodite remarked with sarcasm. But all I could focus on was the fact that Tyhi had never mentioned it to me. Why had he chosen to hide it?

"I asked Tyhi to take you to the sea, yes. I knew it would bring you some happiness. But, I also specifically asked Tyhi to break the news to you and he had bailed on the chance."

"What news?" I asked. My voice posed meekly and my stomach rolled inside the pits of my body in fear. I had a feeling it was bad news.

"Hera has opened the doors and Janus has asked me to bring you to him as soon as possible. I'm afraid your time here has ended. While this might have been joyous news for you a week back, I am aware that you have grown fond of Olympus— or rather fond of someone. But, you knew this must come to an end someday," Aphrodite mumbled.

My heart sank. "But-but I have to hold my side of the deal. I have to stop what is going to happen," I said.

"I am aware. I've asked Janus to turn a blind eye to you for the next two days. If your story—the one you claim to be my future— doesn't unfold before that, I'm afraid your deal is off."

"But this isn't fair. I've warned you of the future. I've told you what's important. If you don't ask Hera to alter Ivan's records, then this isn't fair."

Aphrodite smirked. "Do you think the Gods are fair?"

I staggered back. "You wouldn't," I whispered.

"I would."

"You tricked me!"

"You can't say that. I've given you two days. If you can make it happen, then I assure you I will keep up the end of my deal," she said.

"But, it will only happen when it wants to. I don't control time."

"I don't control it either, child," she said and nudged me to help her dress. I gritted my teeth together and held in the screams as I pulled the dress up her body. My fingers clenched on the ties as I fastened them together across her bare back. The knots were very tight.

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