Well you just fucked up

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You just ruined your chances at a happy life. Thats sad, isn't? 

This shit is loud. I am sitting on a couch, people dancing. Drinking. Kissing. My friends are really fun though. I am actually enjoyin g it.

"No Ratatouille is the best movie to ever exist. Period." Jason exclaimed

"ARE YOU STUPID, NO THATS DUMB SHREK PART 2 IS THE BEST MOVIE EVER. SHREK SUPREMACY!" Isabella yelled. To be fair, she was drunk out of her mind

"Alright bell, I agree. Can you have water for me? You look like you need water" Stella said. She motioned for me to go get water. Alright I guess

"I'll come with" Jason offered. He's warming up to me I see.

"It's fine, I'll just be back. Dont worry its fine" I said

"This is how the white girls in horror movies die" Isabella slurred.

She's so drunk. We all laughed at that, just because it was true. But those white girls were not assassin in their last life.

As I entered the kitchen, I was surprised. There were barely any people here. I quickly went to the fridge and got out a water bottle. As soon as I turned, I was inches away with someone.


"Hey Alessia. So you came."

"No, im on my way. Actually I should really go, I have to get at the party. Nice chat. Bye"

"Not so fast babygirl" He grabbed my hand. (IF ANY OF YOU MAKE A MASSIMO COMMENT-)

I want to kick him. Now. But I shouldn't. I need to control my anger.

"Have this drink first ,it'll help you" Oh. OH. He thinks I'm dumb. The whole situation is so off, even a kid wouldn't take the drink. But a kid wouldn't want to kick some serious ass too.

I took the drink from his hands and before sipping, I sniffed it and really looked at it. Drugged. It's Rohypnol. Its usually called as Mexican valium, circles, roofies, la rocha, Roche, R2, rope, and forget-me pill. It's actually illegal in the US. Guess someones wanting to go to jail. It doesn't have a smell but it has a slight blue colour to it. Well isn't he so very smart. Only he doesn't know that drugs dont really work on me. I was more than angry. I was livid. I wanted to kill him. I want to ruin him more than anything as of now. But I want to have my fun with it. I want to torment them. He wanted to rape me. He wanted to assault me. I almost fell for it by coming here. I want to make him beg for forgiveness. He made sure his life is ruined. Bad for him I guess. I took the drink. It tasted awful.

After a solid 10 seconds, I faked being dizzy, and started acting high. I was a little tipsy from earlier, and the drug was really powerful, but nothing I couldn't handle. I would need a good 3 minutes to shake off everything. I faked tripping, and Austin held me by my waist. I wanted to kick him.

He took me upstairs and everyone in the kitchen just left. Either he had something on those kids or they were his friends. Could be either, could be both.

As soon as he took me to his room, he laid me down on the bed. He groped me. He touched my boobs and my waist. He squeezed my ass and I couldn't do anything about it. The drug still needed a couple minutes to wear off. I wanted to kick him, I couldn't. Anxiety rushed through me. It should not take this long for me to be normal. He was putting his hands everywhere. I felt disgusted. I wanted to scream but I couldn't. I needed Aidan. "Just a couple more minutes" I kept repeating in my head.

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