i. eight - movie night

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i. eight - movie night

The film night fundraiser takes place on Figure Eight at least once a month. It's a time when families from all backgrounds and all ages can come together and enjoy a night of cinema on one lawn. It's very rare for Violet and her group to be in attendance at a silly little gathering like this - though since her mother has been planning this event for some time now, it's only fair for her to support her mother just by showing up.

"I'm telling you man," Topper fumes as he sets up a camp chair on the grass. "If they show their dirty ass Pogue faces..."

After setting a picnic blanket on the ground, I turn towards the angry teenager, unsure of why exactly he's mad. "Who are you talking about?"

Rafe, who sits in a navy camp chair, quickly stands up. He gestures to his friend not to say anything to the girl, considering he's noticed her sympathising with the enemy as of late. He wasn't too pleased to find out that a Pogue had picked her up and dropped her home that night of the party, let alone it be the one guy in Kildare County who has slept with half of the Island.

At least it's the poor side of the island he whores himself out to. He thinks to himself.

"No one," Rafe says casually, crawling onto the picnic blanket beside his confused girlfriend.

"Doesn't sound like no one," She says, dragging the picnic basket off of the grass and into the middle of the checkered blanket. She had spent all afternoon preparing nice snacks for the group to share. It did disappoint her to see them crack out the cold beers before she even opened the basket, but what more could she expect. 

"What's going on?" She asks.

Topper sighs, sitting himself down into the chair and leaning in. "Let's just say that the incident with the Malibu wasn't an accident," He grits his teeth.

Violet's mouth falls agape, hardly believing his accusation. "You're saying it was a Pogue?"

"Who else would it be?" Rafe cuts in.

Before Violet can retaliate, Topper sits up straight, staring into the distance. "Speak of the devil."

Not far off in the distance, three Pogues walk through the centre of the lawn.

JJ and Pope trail after Kiara who confidently walks towards an empty spot on the grass. The two boys bicker between each other over who knows what, Violet knowing full well that it's probably something minorly stupid.

Her eyes fix on JJ who wears a grey long-sleeve and possibly the same dark pair of cargo shorts he wore when they first officially hung out together. He also wears what seems to be the same cap from that night, just facing forwards for the first time she's ever seen. There's no denying that he looked attractive, even from a distance, though that was a thought that Violet scolded herself for thinking of.

"Those guys? Really?" She sighs.

"Absolutely," Topper says confidently, unable to tear his angry eyes away from the trio.

Violet couldn't picture the Pogues doing something like that. Maybe before spending the time she did with JJ, she would have thought that he was capable of such a dastardly act. Though now... she's unsure. Looking past his hardened exterior allowed her to see that he was a troubled but caring soul. She just couldn't quite put her finger on what exactly troubled him.

"What are you going to do?" Violet mocks. "Fight them in front of everyone?"

"No, of course not," Topper scoffs. "They'll have to get up at some point for something. Food-"

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