Chapter 8

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"I'm assigning an essay for the reading that you did on Monday

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"I'm assigning an essay for the reading that you did on Monday." Mr. Hart announces to the class. I groan as I lower my head to the desk. I hear Chase chuckle from beside me. The professor continues, "You can do it in partners, if you do chose to do it in partners tell me, share the work, separate essays same subject, the work better not look the same."

"Son of a bitch." I mutter. 

"Hey Kitty...wanna do it in partners." Chase says while poking me with his pencil.

My face is now smothered in my arms as I'm hunched over on the desk, "Chase, I will grab that damn pencil and shove it down your throat." I mumble. Sadly Diana isn't here so I'm stuck with Chase.

The poking stops but Chase doesn't stop talking, "Someone's grumpy, did you have coffee yet?" 

I lift my head and glare at him, "No."

"Get coffee in your system." He raises his eyebrows, "So when are we working on this thing?"

"Fine," I groan. "We can work on it tonight. Your house or mine?" I ask starting to put my things away.

"Mine, but warning...I live with Reid, Kai and...Rohan." He mutters the last part but I hear it loud and clear.

"Your kidding?" But his expression is genuine, "Fuck. Fine I'll come after I'm done my classes, text me your address."

Chase nods and I'm off to get coffee while he tells Mr. Hart.

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My last class is writing class, which Lexi is taking the same class as an elective so I sit beside her. This class is fucking huge I'm talking maybe 50 people?

"According to Chase I needed the coffee." I say taking a sip.

Lexi eyes me wryly, "Well you do get mean if you don't drink coffee, well not mean but...cranky?" She says taking out her MacBook.

I look at her wide eyes, "Really?" 

She nods, "Yup." She smiles though which makes me smile, "But your my bestfriend so it doesn't bother me because I'll just be cranky back." We both smirk. My eye catches someone behind Lexi's head. Its Cohan, I wave him over. "What are you doi━" 

Cohan plops down beside me, "Hey Katherine." He looks over at Lexi, "Hi I'm Cohan."

"Lexi." She says slowly still confused as to why he's sitting with us.

I lean in so only she can hear me, "I met him at a party, he seems really cool, and cute." I smile, she rolls her eyes.

I lean away and direct my attention to Cohan, "Where were you, last time I saw you it was Monday now it's Wednesday." I raise my eyebrow.

Cohan smirks, "I was sick, prof emailed me the work."

I grin, "Can't handle coming to class sick, there is such thing as medicine."

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