Chapter 26

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Q: Who's your favourite Colliding boy?

This morning I woke up before Katherine did

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This morning I woke up before Katherine did. She looks so peaceful that I literally spent 15 minutes just watching her sleep. Then I decided that's fucking creepy and grabbed my book. I had finished The Love hypothesis and went to grab The Spanish Love Deception.

I know what your thinking. How could someone who doesn't believe in love read romance? The answer is that I mainly read them for the 'plot' if you know what I mean.

And maybe there is a tiny part of me that longs for the kind of love these books have, but I'll never admit it.

I mean I have no reason to believe in the kind of love I read about. Yeah I grew up with an amazing mom and grandparents who love me but knowing how my dad left affected my ability to love, I think.

I've never given myself a chance to try. Until I met Katherine. She makes me want to try, want to fall in love. But the question is, how will I know when?

I smile to myself when I remember what happened last night.

I run my hand with a feather like touch over her spine as I read my book with my other hand. Sometime later I feel her stir and then stretch. I look down and see her looking up at me with a smile and I damn near die.

Her dimples show which makes her all the more gorgeous. "Mornin' babe." I says before I captures her lips into a quick kiss. She hum in satisfaction.

I pulls away and resume my feather like touch. The hotel room is glittered with the sun, I look at the clock and see that it's 8am. Our blankets are all tangled around us.

I look back at her and see her attention on my book which I left butterflied open. Before I could argue she grabs it and reads what page I'm on, worst part is that I had just gotten to the good part.

Then she gasp and look at me to see me just smirking. "You read porn?" She says with a snort.

I mocks offense, "It's not porn its New Adult Romance." I say as if that explains anything.

She bite her lip, "It's porn, baby."

I rolls my eyes, "The right term for it is erratica."

She put the book down and climb onto my body and strattle me, the blanket falling to her hips. "Just admit you read porn. Is that where you get all your sex ideas?" She asks smirking.

But I'm distracted by something on her body. A hidden tattoo just hidden enough when she has pants on. It's where her thigh meets her stomach. It's of big skates, a type writer and smaller skates with a crown on them.

I runs my hand on her tattoo. "How'd I not know you had a tattoo?"

She shrug, "It's not a dinner table kind of conversation." She run her hands up my chest. My cock is immediately awake and hard because anytime she touches me it's like he knows who she is and is ready.

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