|my greatest creation|

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"it's 9 at night where were you?" Dottie asked after Howard went inside their room and took his tie off "been so busy in the industry, you know how much time I have to spend in there" he replied "you have spend your whole week at Stark Industries, you never do that" she said looking at him

"You know how things change dear" Howard smiled kissing her cheeks before making his way to the door "where you going?" she asked making him look back at her "gotta make a videotape for the future" he smirked making her eyebrows rise

"I would like to personally- Tony what are you doing back there? what is that?" Howard asked seeing Tony on the back holding one of his creations "put it back where you got that from" he said pointing down at the table before Tony did what he said

"Where is your mother?" he asked gaining a shrug from Tony "Dorothy!" he called making Dottie's eyes roll hearing Howard call from the other room " come on, go, go" Howard waved him off while Jarvis picked Tony up and hands him to Dottie seeing her stood on the door

"Alright honey, it's late go to bed" Dottie smiled at Tony after laying him down on his bed "mommy?" he called looking up at her "will you tell me someday the story of the Sergeant?" he asked making her chuckle "I promise" she replied kissing his head and closing the door

"So from all of us on Stark Industries, I'd like to personally show you my ass!" Howard joked looking at the camera "Howard" Dottie groaned from the doorway "oh come on Dot, Tony will laugh at that someday when he watch this" Howard grinned making her roll her eyes again

"Tony, you're too young to understand this. I built this for you, and one day you'll figure this out, and when you do you will change the world" Howard spoke looking at the camera making Dottie smile "and cut" the camera man spoke ending the tape before Dottie went in the kitchen "wait let's shoot another one, let me just get Tony" Howard suggested making his way towards Tony's room

He looked down at Tony with a smile seeing him peacefully asleep. He slowly picked him up and placed his head down on his shoulder with his hand on his back and made his way back to his inventions "action!" the camera man spoke then Howard walked back to his place with Tony in his arms

Dottie opened Tony's door to check on him before she went back to bed but panicked when she didn't saw him on his room. She quickly made her way to Howard to ask him but stopped at the door way when she saw him holding Tony on his arms "you know I've created so much in my life but you know what I'm most proud of? you. My son" Howard said rubbing his back

Dottie stood there with a huge smile watching the two "you are, and always will be my greatest creation and I love you" Howard said looking at Tony and kissing his cheeks "let's get you back to bed" he mumbled patting Tony's back before the camera man ended the film

"that was beautiful" Dottie mumbled after she closed the door of Tony's room "I did it for him" Howard replied giving her a smile "you know I wish you can tell him that you love him face to face, he will be so happy" Dottie said while they both went to their room "I wish too but you know me Dot, that's not the way of mine to show him that I love him" he responds kissing her temple "maybe someday" she mumbled

"I'm leaving" Howard kissed Dottie's cheek "this early?" she asked while he fix his tie "yes, I can't be late" he smiled "since when did you care about being late?" she asked standing up from her chair "I'm doing this for Tony dear" he he responds sipping her coffee "yeah right, spending your whole day in the industry is for Tony" she smiled sarcastically "Dottie don't be like that"

"What do you mean don't be like that?" she asked raising her voice "like I don't spend time with Tony here" he said reaching for her hand "you barely do" she mumbled making him shake his head "I have to go, I'll be late" he sighs picking his briefcase up
"Did you even say goodbye to Tony?" she asked "Dottie I'm late I have to go" Howard reasoned before leaving her in the garden and went out making her sigh and shook her head not liking how he have been spending his time at his industry more than he does with Tony "oh there you are"

Peggy smiled walking towards her "you okay?" she asked seeing her running her hands down to her hips "yeah just Howard" she replied sitting down making Peggy roll her eyes knowing how much stress Howard cause her "I came to tell you that ne and Daniel will be moving back to New York" Peggy spoke holding Dottie's hand from across the table making her head turn to Peggy

"Now?" she asked confused. Peggy shook her head "no, tomorrow I just wanted you to know earlier before we leave" Peggy smiled "I'll wake Tony up then so you can have your last day with him here" she suggested getting up "no Dot, it's okay we'll just say goodbye tomorrow" Peggy called making her sit back down "your leaving me" Dottie smiled sadly making the both of them chuckle "I'm not, just moving. You know you can always call me when you need me" Peggy smiled

"You sure you don't want to ask Howard about moving back to New York?" Peggy asked for the hundredth time making her chuckle "I don't think I can Peg, you know the memories hurts" she mumbled "it's okay, I understand" Peggy smiled caressing her hand "plus Tony wants me to tell him the story of James after he saw the photo of us" Dottie added making Peggy smile sadly "he called him a hero" she smiled making Peggy smile widely "he is"

"Mom" Tony mumbled while he stare at Dottie's and Bucky's photo "yes?" she asked wondering while he's been doing the same things for days now. Walking inside the room just to stare at their photo for minutes "he looks like a good man" Tony smiled looking back at his mother

"He is honey" she smiled back crouching down to his height "who's that?" he asked pointing at the photo of Steve that Howard took when he first wore his suit "that is Steve Rogers, Captain America. He is also a hero honey" she replied "I wanna know about him too" Tony smiled "oh I think dad would absolutely love to do that for you" she replied kissing his cheeks

"Your not gonna change your mind?" Dottie asked while Peggy holds Tony on her arms "we've made a decision Dot" she replied smiling at her "I don't know what I'll do without you now" Dottie mumbled making Peggy smile sadly "you know I'll still be there for you, plus we will visit on holidays so" Peggy responds before putting Tony down letting him run back inside

"I'm gonna miss you" Dottie mumbled while they hug each other tightly "I'm gonna miss you even more Dot, don't stress yourself too much" Peggy said rubbing her back "hey, call me whenever you need me alright?" Peggy smiled patting her back "I will always do" Dottie responds "Tony, they're leaving!" Dottie called making Tony run back outside with Jarvis and Ana behind him

"Have a safe trip Mrs Sousa" Ana smiled making Peggy smile also "safe flight" Jarvis mumbled "ah come here my favorite british" Peggy smiled pulling Jarvis into a hug making them all smile. After they pulled away, Peggy pulled Tony in a hug and kissed his cheeks "will you come back?" Tony asked "for you? of course!" Peggy responds "be a good boy pal" Daniel muttured hugging Tony

"Take care, we'll miss you both" Dottie smiled after Danile went inside their car "Wait!" Howard yelled running towards them "c'mon Peg, your really gonna leave without saying goodbye to your best pal?" Howard asked making her roll her eye before pulling him into a hug "stop stressing your wife too much" Peggy mumbled making him chuckle

"Alright, we'll have to go now" Danile called before Peggy sent everyone one last smile and hugged Dottie then went inside the car while Jarvis and Tony wave goodbye when they drove away "let's get inside and cry shall we?" Jarvis asked pulling Tony back inside with him making Dottie laugh "that's honestly sad" Howard mumbled after placing a kiss on her temple "I miss her already" Dottie replied making him roll his eyes

"Wow I've been gone for hours and I never heard that from you" he glared at her making her laugh "what? you can't blame me I love Peggy more than I do love you" she joked leaving him outside "hey! that's mean!" he yelled following her inside while she laughs

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