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The only part of the marriage that was to be documented to the public was an official statement from the Imperial Palace, a notice declaring that the Emperor was now married.

The newly wedded girl had changed from her lovely hanbok that had apparently been custom-made by the Royal Tailor, and had exchanged it for a sage green version of the garment. Her dark hair no longer contained bluebells and varieties of floral decorations, but was crowned with a small tiara that glittered amongst the officials.

She was now an empress.

It did not fit well within her mind. How could she, an average townsgirl, daughter of a merchant, ever become an empress? There were so many better candidates for the title, yet it seemed that the universe had decided that was her fate.

The Choi girl was seated besides her husband at the banquet table, that stretched the length of the hall, and the officials sent each other smug, proud looks. 

They had accomplished what had been required. The Emperor was married.

The food on the table was savouring, comforting, and as the room chatted and ate, Yoongi couldn't help but glance sideways at his new wife.

Indeed, she had looked beautiful when she had arrived at the altar, but there was no chance where he would ever voice that aloud.


The blue skies had been clouded over with stars and the moon shining fondly upon the palace, and the group (minus the Emperor) had spent the remainders of the day with each other, laughing in the gardens as they played childhood games.

Alas, nightfall took over and the six other boys grinned at the thought. 

"First night should consist of only the newly married couple," Jimin winked. "I believe it's our time to leave!"

"Have fun, Jangmi!" Taehyung smirked. "We'll be back tomorrow, awaiting the details!"

"Let us know if anything happens!" Jungkook added, and the pink blush on the girl's cheeks was ever so prominent.

"Stop embarrassing her," Namjoon rolled his eyes. "Come on, let's go,"

"Have a sweet night!" Hoseok and Jin called before the six men stepped into a carriage which rolled away, leaving the Emperor and his Empress alone.

Yoongi's expression remained impassive as the two returned to the interior of the palace, hiding away from the sudden chilly breeze that swept across their shoulders.

"You should rest," Yoongi muttered, not looking at her. "We have had an interesting day. Goodnight,"

"Goodn- "

But before she could even finish, the door to his room had slammed shut, and Jangmi was left alone with her thoughts in the hallways. 

A small breath of indignation escaped her as she wandered the halls, back to her room. But even when she climbed into the bed, she was tossing and turning.

She had always her wedding night to be with someone she loved and cared for, protecting her in the many ways that they possibly could. She had never thought about spending it with a man who seemed to care nothing about her presence.

Alas, it was her fate.

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