thirty eight

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Warm rays of sunlight tickled the creamy skin of the Empress, some of it dancing on her eyelids, urging her to awaken from her slumber. She had slept for an entire day, although, it was understandable considering her circumstances just a few nights earlier.

The Choi girl fidgeted for a few minutes before reluctantly opening her eyes, squinting at the bright glow illuminating her form. It took a minute to adjust to the luminescence, and her eyes trailed over to the arm that was draped over her waist.

Her husband was sleeping soundly, his black hair clouding his eyes, one arm tucked under Jangmi's back, his other holding her tight as they had slept.

Admittedly, apart from their wedding and when they had kissed the previous day, she had never been able to fully admire her husband's features.

The scar that had once terrified her now lay as a mark that showed his bravery. His hooded eyes were so often filled with endearment, his milky skin remained unblemished and his lips were pursed into a pout as he slept.


Tentatively, Jangmi raised a slender finger as she began to lightly trace his characteristics. The curve of his nose, the pout of his lips, his soft cheeks, the scar that ran his face.

But her tracing came to a sudden holt as she felt his arms move from beneath her, both hands grabbing her waist and pulling her onto him so that her head was directly on his chest, listening to the rhythmic beat of his heart.

A flush crawled up her cheeks as she made eye contact with him, his onyx pupils gazing at her, brushing locks of hair from her face.

"Why aren't you asleep, hmm?" The girl felt something in her own heart as she heard his morning voice, deep, soothing. She felt safe, protected in his embrace.

"The sun was in my way," She mumbled.

"Of course it was," Yoongi muttered, still half asleep. "Sleep, I want to hold you in my arms for longer,"

Jangmi let out a chuckle and the Emperor smiled with his eyes closed. Her laughter was like music to his ears, music that couldn't be tainted by anything impure.

They were enough for each other.

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