28. He hurt me....

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"Zhan, I want to know about Chuyue." Yibo muttered the words over Zhan's head and wasn't taken aback when Zhan's hold on him slipped letting Yibo sense his annoyance but Yibo still pressed. "I should know what happened unless you are really averse to sharing the story with me." Zhan pulled back from him and Yibo saw Zhan looking at him with something different in his eyes. Those dark eyes had a different quality to them today and they pulled Yibo in with their hypnotic allure. They gave Yibo the illusion that Zhan had bared his soul to him. All this while, the dark eyes had been guarded, he had felt Zhan was holding a part of him back but today his firecracker stared at him so intensely, Yibo could swear he felt it in his bones. Giving him a dazzling smile that had Yibo's frozen heart melting, Zhan pulled him in for a kiss and led him to the bed sitting down and nodding. "I am not averse to sharing anything with you. You are right. It's better if you know all the facts regarding my relationship with Chuyue." Yibo's lips curled in disgust at the word "relationship" and Zhan let out a small laugh. "Oh boy! If the mere word has you tied up in knots do you think you can hold on when I tell you the good bits?" Yibo's brows furrowed in displeasure and Zhan smirked. "Listen well, Mr. Wang Yibo. I will try not to make you uncomfortable. Although, I am not making any promises." Indulging his playful ways, Yibo gave him a nod and Zhan took a deep breath in preparing himself for what was to come.

"Me and Chuyue met in high school and became friends because we were both in the music club. We were chosen for a performance for the annual day and that's when we grew closer. We were good friends but I wasn't really looking for anything back then. You see, I had this dream of finding my true mate and falling in love so I never saw him as a potential partner. We were best friends and when we were leaving for different colleges, that's when he confessed. It was surprising because I had told Chuyue what I was waiting for. So obviously, I said no. He took it well and wished me luck, said that he wanted the best for me and I believed him. Three months later, I saw Chuyue in my campus and found out that things hadn't worked out for him in Shanghai and that's why he came back to Beijing and had applied at my college. Maybe that should have been a warning. I was happy to have him back though. Life became the same as high school. Bunking classes, singing at fests and eating at our favorite place. It was amazing. A year later, Zhuocheng was attacked by the Wens and Chuyue was the one who found him and saved his life. We would have lost Cheng if it wasn't for him and that's when Chuyue said that he did it because of me. He said he loved me and when he asked me out again, I decided to give him a chance." Zhan smiled a little thinking about those happy days but soon his expressions turned grim as he thought of what happened next.

"Chuyue was always happy, you know. The jovial, fun one. Made me laugh, brought me my favorite desserts, a dream boyfriend you can say. I remember we had our first fight because of Yubin. Chuyue hated Yubin and his feelings were definitely not one-sided. Yubin had warned me once saying that Chuyue wasn't what he showed me and as dense as I am, I told Yubin I would be fine and Yubin watched over me from a distance. He never left us alone which I didn't mind but Chuyue did. It wasn't like Yubin was all over us. He remained at a respectable distance and many times you couldn't even see where he was but Chuyue still did. He was super angry once and well, I flipped. I think that's when I started pulling away from him because I heard the things he said about Yubin. They were just so disrespectful and abhorrent." "What did he say?",questioned Yibo abruptly and Zhan raked a hand through his hair trying to get the words out of his mouth. "He said Yubin was spying on me and he had heard Yubin jerk himself off to my name. He said that Yubin wanted me. I couldn't believe him, Yibo. Yubin is like a brother to me and I have seen that man risk his life for me more times that I can count. I know Yubin sees me as his younger brother. Of course, I was angry. That kind of made things strained between us. That and the fact that I refused to sleep with him." Zhan was about to continue, wanting to get the topic done over with but Yibo being Yibo wanted the juicy gossip. "Why not?", he asked and Zhan shook his head. " Didn't you say you didn't want to know things like this?" "Tell me", Yibo said caressing his head and just like that the words were out of his mouth. "I wanted to be on top." Just as expected, Yibo's face broke out in a teasing smile and lit up like Christmas and Zhan swatted him like a fly when he tried to lean in for a kiss. "I just...I was young and inexperienced. It's natural that I was wary",he said defensively and it amused Yibo even more. "Good boy." The words were husky and Zhan let Yibo peck his lips as a reward for his 'good behavior'.

"What happened then?",came Yibo's voice and Zhan continued. "It's stupid but that is what it was so I resisted. We were fighting more often. One day, on his birthday he called me in his apartment to hang out and said he wanted to start again. I agreed. That was the biggest mistake I made. That was when the Alpha with the drugs came in. Chuyue protected me and fought with his friends initially but then the Alpha suggested that Chuyue could use the drugs and that would make me more compliant when he took our relationship to next level. I saw it, Yibo. Saw the sick idea turn him on. Things went crazy from there. He was the one who injected the drugs into me. I cried for help because I was so fucking dizzy and had no idea what was happening to my body. His friends cheered him on and I know they were going to hurt me. Chuyue or no Chuyue, they were going to. I remember screaming for Yubin till my throat and lungs burned. Yubin got me out and for the next few days, he held me when I had nightmares. Chuyue came by during those days and ended up with a broken jaw when Zhuocheng punched him. I was getting over it but unfortunately, his friends found me again. Apparently, I was 'too good' to let go and they wanted a taste. They cornered me near my workplace and the six of them held me down. It all came back. The panic, the anger and the helplessness I felt that day in Chuyue's house. And then there was rage... It was so strong. It lost it and that's when I killed them. Grinned with satisfaction hearing them beg for their lives at the end. They were all full of remorse and apologies but I still killed them and I would do it again if I get the chance. I never saw Chuyue again and I think Yubin and Zhuocheng had a big part in it. That day at the mall was the first time I saw him in three years and he tried to call and everything but I didn't want anything to do with him anymore. You know what happened at the club and we haven't met since." Now that he had said it all, Zhan let out a deep breath feeling better now that it was off his chest and Yibo wiped at his cheeks making him realise that he had been crying. It was Chuyue's betrayal that hurt him the most and Zhan never really got over it. "Fuck. I don't mean to be this way..." He wiped his face with his sleeves and when he looked at Yibo what he saw on that face had his hackles rising. The frigid look on Yibo's face was a little unnerving.

"It's all over now. So...don't go all murderous", he joked to ease the tension. "I wish they were alive",were the words Zhan heard and the way Yibo was staring at the wall as if he was somewhere else in his mind, it was scary as fuck. It was as if Yibo was someplace dark and the sinister look on his face was evidence enough for what he was thinking but Yibo still voiced his thoughts. "I would have broken every single one of their bones and thrown them to the rogues. I would have made you watch as they were ripped apart, their flesh torn open by the beasts while their blood-curdling screams echoed in the woods. I would have left them on death's door begging for it to come and they would have rotted on the ground. Their deaths would have been everything nightmares are about, Zhan-Zhan. They had it easy. You should have left them alive so that I could kill them. But it's fine, my firecracker left one of them for me. I promise, I will avenge you, Zhan. I promise." Zhan shivered at the threat and grasped the cold hand that was wiping at his cheeks. "It's over, Yibo. I am over it. You need a straight mind with Chuyue. Forget about this, okay?" He spoke softly but when Yibo stiffened further, Zhan knew he had said the wrong words. "Forget, Xiao Zhan? You expect me to forget this? Oh,I will. Right after I carve that fucker's heart out of his chest!! Tell me Xiao Zhan, did you leave him alive because you love him? Huh? Was it too hard for you to kill him? " Yibo hissed darkly and Zhan held Yibo by the shoulders shaking the man, uncaring as his nails dug into the man's shoulders. "Don't piss me off, Yibo. I get you are angry but don't tell me why I did the things I did and why I made the choices I made. He saved my brother!! I decided that this one thing...one debt I had... I would pay it by letting him live. So I did."
Zhan was heaving at the end of his declaration and Yibo was glaring at him. "He will die, Xiao Zhan", Yibo promised Zhan and Zhan looked at Yibo with a scowl of his own. "You think I want to save him?", he asked coldly and when Yibo didn't answer, Zhan's hand was at Yibo's throat and he snarled at the man. "Tell me!!",he thundered and Yibo's golden eyes were blazing fire when he nodded his head. "And what if I do? Will you let him go? Didn't you say I was yours, Wang Yibo? Chuyue tried to fuck me and even now wants to make me his...Don't you want to kill him?Hm?" His words were taunting and Yibo crushed Zhan's body to his. "His name will never come on your lips after I am done with him. I am going to end him for you and now, I will be the one you owe a debt to. A debt you are going to repay with yourself, Xiao Zhan." Yibo tugged Zhan's hair and buried his face in his neck, scoring his teeth over the exposed skin making Zhan shudder. "Then do it for me, Yibo. I will repay your debt in whatever way you want. I promise."

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