4. Nothing But a Weakness (Tomarry, Angst)

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Harry spent his second life loving and caring for Tom since they were young. The two were dating but Tom became more and more distant. One day, Harry caught Tom cheating on him.

4th year

Harry's eyes prickled with tears as he stared at the sight in despair. On Tom's bed, their bed, Tom was making out with Avery of all people.

"T-tom?!" Harry choked out clutching his chest, as he felt his heart shatter. Tom gazed up at his lover of 2 years and best friend as long as he could remember coldly while he removed himself from Avery.

"Well, you would've found out sooner or later," he said nonchalantly crossing his legs, as if he hadn't just cheated on his lover. Avery who turned around and saw Harry just smirked and leaned into Tom's side, to which Tom just let him. Harry felt his demeanor deteriorate; he didn't even care!

"Why...?" he whispered defeatedly. Tom just gazed at him condescendingly.

"You became a pest, that's why. You're weak, why defend those stupid mudbloods? Why befriend Blood traitors and half breeds? You waste so much time sympathizing with those trash. You're becoming a pain to me. You are nothing but a weakness and hindrance. It's not like you mean much, I can get people at my beck and call any moment. You're not special. Now that you know, I suppose it's a good time to say it. It's over." And Tom then wandlessly shut the bedroom door on Harry's face. Harry felt himself break down. He ran with no real destination, tears streaming down his face. He found his way to the black lake where he fell and broke down. He had no one now; he spent his entire life caring for Tom only for this to happen. He was pathetic. He lay there for hours, the sun eventually setting only to rise again. He felt his face, realizing all the tear tracks already dried out. He stared blankly at the rising sun, feeling absolutely nothing for a moment. He had been betrayed so many times; he thought Tom was different. Something inside him suddenly broke. It was like a string just snapped deep within the depth of his soul. His feelings of utter betrayal and sadness was suddenly replaced by waves of raw fury. Why does he care, anyways? This was his second chance, why waste it on a good for nothing with no future? Tom in the end was no different, he was still Voldemort after all. He suddenly stood with confidence and took a deep breath. He waved a wand over himself, letting free all the glamours. Glamours, he kept on for Tom. Tom liked short hair, he kept it short. Tom liked him scarless, he covered his scars. Tom liked him held regal and pureblood, he acted on the part impeccably. None of that mattered anymore. Harry sighed in contentment as all the magic he so tensely kept on his appearance melted away. Now, standing there was a broken but beautiful boy. His hair going to his shoulder, he tied it up as he gazed emptily at the beautiful horizon. He pulled his Slytherin tie loose while slightly unbuttoning his shirt. He conjured a mirror to look at himself. Absentmindedly, he untucked his shirt and rolled up his sleeves, revealing his scars. Gazing at himself, he smiled. This was who he really was. Not the uptight perfect pureblood, but a boy without a care in the world who did as he pleased. He did everything for Tom, but now, it was time to do things for himself. Today was the day they went home anyways, so it wouldn't be so different. He wouldn't sacrifice himself for others anymore.

"Are you sure, Mr. Peverell? You were such a fine student," Dippet asked sadly. Harry didn't answer right away as he handed his headmaster his transfer papers.

"I'm sure, Headmaster. It is nothing against you, I just can't bare the environment. I doubt transferring houses would help either," he added as he saw Dippet open his mouth. The man stared at the young prodigy for a moment and sighed, taking the papers. He knew the boy felt alone; he had taken special interest in watching the boy all these years. Harry Peverell was popular amongst everyone, but he only cared about one person. The bright teen did everything he could to please their other prodigy, Tom Riddle. At first it was fine, the two were there for each other. He always smiled when he saw the two orphans stick together, mainly Harry defending the two and encouraging his friend. But Tom hit what he saw in many young Slytherins, corruption. The young wizard slowly became cold, arrogant, and he saw him throw poor Harry to the side. He watched as the once bright boy dimmed and faded away slowly, becoming a shell who only did things to please the other. His whole demeanor changed, and the once playful and loving wizard disappeared from sight. If this would bring the lively wizard full of potential back, then so be it. Perhaps, this was for the best.

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