6. Hadrian Riddle (Dad Voldemort AU)

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An AU where Voldemort was resurrected early and sane while Harry is severely abused. Who knew Voldy could be a good parent?

Trigger Warning: Contains Abuse

Harry was not living a good life. As long as he remembered the only name he was called was Freak or Boy. His relatives were abusive, and today took a turn for the worst. He was obediently dusting the shelves as he always did, when the door slammed open. Jolting, he turned around in horror to see his uncle holding a broken wine bottle.

"BOY!" the horrid man shouted as he threw a hand towards him. Harry flinched as his collar was grabbed and he was thrown roughly to the floor. The next few minutes were terrible. Pain was all he could feel, all his nerves burning. Why him? What did he do to deserve this? He just wanted to be safe, to be loved. And with the last thought, he lost all consciousness.

Tom Riddle also known as Lord Voldemort was in his office working. He recently got his body back after the mishap with Harry Potter, the boy who lived. He certainly didn't expect the side effect of the ritual his servants chose to put his soul back together, but it was quite the enlightenment. Imagine his horror to find out how twisted and psychotic he became. To think he would go after a baby. He sighed at the thought as he put his quill down and stretched. What he certainly didn't expect, was for said boy to appear in his office. Bloodied up, and in tattered robes. Tom froze for a moment seeing the boy before hastily getting up and checking his pulse. He didn't know where the boy came from, but nonetheless inspected him. He wouldn't just let a magical die. He frowned deeper and deeper as he discovered a new bruise, cut, or slash. The boy was skinny, too much so and his clothes were all ripped and oversized. He gasped slightly as he came up to his head and noticed a lightning bolt scar on his forehead. This was Harry Potter. Not wasting anytime, he sent out a patronus.

"Tell Narcissa Malfoy she is needed as a healer." He then turned back to the boy and healed what he could. When the witch arrived, she had gasped in worry before immediately treated everything. Tom didn't know why he worried so much, he never did care for kids. Yet, he felt a connection to him.

Harry woke up a few days later. In complete panic. The second Harry's eyes snapped open he hyperventilated as he frantically gazed around the unfamiliar room. All he remembered was his uncle beating him, when everything went black. He had no clue where he was. He heard a knock on the door, and Harry hid under his blankets as a small layer of protection.

"Harry?" a low voice called. Harry froze hearing his name and shivered. The room was silent for a while before he hesitantly crawled out. He was met with the face of a stranger. The one thing that stood out was the blood red eyes. "Harry, I'm not going to hurt you," the man told him softly. Harry stared at him warily but saw no hint of deceit. He nodded slowly and sat down.

"Who are you, Sir?" he asked quietly. The man gave a small smile.

"My name is Tom Riddle, and I know who you are, Harry Potter." Harry just stayed silent. Seeing that Harry had no indication of reaction he continued. "You appeared here, no doubt from accidental magic. Could you tell me what happened?" Harry's eyes widened.

"Magic? That's not real," he stated. Tom raised an eyebrow. The Harry Potter didn't know about magic?

"I assure you magic is real." Tom then wandlessly summoned a bear and gave it to the boy. The boy stared at it in disbelief before hugging it closely to his chest. It was real! "Could you tell me what happened?" Tom repeated. Harry stayed silent and clutched his new bear tightly, as if he thought it'd be taken.

"Uncle was drunk. It hurt. I wished to be loved instead of hated." Harry's eyes teared up as he hiccupped out a sob. "I'm sorry." Tom frowned and kneeled down to face the boy.

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