Chapter 32- New faces

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ote: All the pictures used in the grid above are from Pinterest. I don't own any of them

Unknown's POV
"What are you trying to say?"

The line goes silent once again making me lose my patience.


"Hayley.. She has your child"


"Listen I can't explain it to you on the phone, you have to meet me"

"Fine, in 30 minutes"

Hayley's POV
It was almost sunset when I finally got done with my goal for today and I was actually pretty impressed.

Now all that was left was to pick up Elijah from my mom's house so I picked up my car keys and headed towards the door

After a drive of almost 15 minutes I reached my mom's house to pick him up

"Mommy" his voice made my heart warm and he rushed towards me

"Hi baby" I kissed him on his head

I met my mom and then we left. The ride home was silent but it was uncomfortable, I felt like the car behind me was following me from the moment I picked Elijah up.

This time I had an asleep Elijah with me so I couldn't risk confirming if that car was actually following me so I just sent my location to Christian for worst case scenarios

We got back home and I carefully placed Elijah inside his bed and then got back to sleep myself

The next morning after Christian had left Elijah also left with kai because he missed him so I was the only one at home


A knock interrupted my show so I paused it and checked on the visitor

"Hey Hayley" this unknown stranger standing in front of me looked very indistinctly familiar

"I'm sorry do I know you?"

"Uh no but I do know you"

It didn't get me, who was he?

"I'm sorry but who are you?"

"Oh my bad let me introduce myself, I am Nick lembarti, Elijah's biological father"

I know this chapter was very short but the next one is gonna be long🥺


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