Welcome to the playground - Part 1

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            Two years, it's been two short years since I joined whatever you wanna call, this, a gang, a crew, but these guys like calling it their family. Now I don't know if I've been with them long enough to be apart of this family they got going but I'm sure as hell one of their friends, or at least they're my friends don't know about how they feel towards me and I never had the balls to ask, I mean how would you even go about that, what would you just go "Hey there Vi are we friends or do you just let me follow you around". I mean imagine how awkward that would be if she's not my friend........ Oh god what am I doing, I should still ask her about it though, anyways, continuing on for what's happening, right now, Piltover, it is, better than I expected but I mean what should I have expected other than this especially for a place called the 'City Of Progress'. Still kinda tacky in my opinion. 

Piltover, a place that is almost the complete opposite to the undercity, a place where the rich prosper, completely ignorant to what's going on right under their noses. A bright city filled with twists and turns forming the layout of the streets. In one said twist and turn we find five children climbing one of Piltovers pristine walls. with one further up than the others, finally she had managed to reach the top of the buidling, taking a breath and looking around she stopped.

The one standing at the top of the roof and has short pink hair is non other than the oh so fearless leader 'Violet' or 'Vi' for short. calling back over the ledge she shouted "Hey Powder" now looking at the edge we see a younger girl climb over the ledge with a bit more difficulty compared to her sister Vi. As previously mentioned this blue haired girl is the sister of 'Vi', she's a bit of a tinkerer currently working on bombs, yes you read that right, bombs. Don't know why her sisters was letting her make actual bombs but I'm not one to judge.

"Come take a look" leading powder to get over the edge quicker and meet up with her older sister to, well, have a look. "Wow" was the astonished response coming from Powder, seeing a view like this was so much different to what you would have seen in the undercity. Tall and brightly coloured buildings as far as the eye could see. Smoke rising from the chimneys, Blimps flying in the air, and at the pinnacle of it all was the biggest building in all of Piltover, the academy. It truly was breath taking. Now that's not to say the undercity didn't have any nice views, it actually had quite a few, it's just that most of them were life threatening if you slipped up on the way there. "It's nice getting above it all isn't it." 

Everybody finally reaching to the top of the building started to meet up with Vi and Powder, first up was the big guy 'Clagger' the dude was surprisingly light on his feet considering, y'know. Next in line was 'Mylo' he looks a bit crazy and also might be a bit crazy, I don't know what counts as sane anymore. The haircut doesn't really help his case. And last but certainly not least we have  'Shirou' in all his small glory, he's not really small just the youngest of them, except for Powder but she doesn't count. all of them huddled up on the roof.

Without warning one of those blimps flew right over everyone's head prompting Powder to say "One day, I'm gonna ride on one of those things". "Yeah and one day, I'm gonna shoot one of em down" came the response of Mylo "Not with your aim you won't, wouldn't be able to shoot one if it was right in front of you." Mylo turned around to see that shirou had just said that, he was gonna retaliate but was nudged by Vi as well as her saying "He's not wrong y'know, might want to work on that" only getting a dumbfounded look from Mylo followed by silence. 

"Come on, we should get moving.", after that was said they all started to follow Vi on their way to this heist they were about to pull, the place was a penthouse owned by some rich guy from topside, although Clagger seemed to be a bit hesitant. "Hey Vi, are, are you sure about this. look if we get caught..." not giving him time to finish, mid jump to the next roof Vi says "We're not gonna get caught" followed by multiple thuds of them all landing. "we'll be in and out before anyone notices", "and even if we do somehow get noticed, we got Shirou, they won't even realize we were there." 

Continuing their walk across a rooftop they come to a stop at halfway through, they look over the edge at a small balcony. "Alright everybody, follow my lead" walking back a step she continues "just, don't look down." sliding down onto what seems to be a metal pipe, bending a bit under her weight and leaping for the balcony roof. Grabbing on and swinging back and forth she manages to catch her footing on the railing of the balcony. Stepping down and turning around to where her body is facing the opposite building, a good grip on the railing, and finally pushing of across the gap.

Landing safely on the opposite building and looking back over at the others, she watches, waiting for them to do it as well. Mylo being as cocky as ever, cracks his fingers before moving forward, putting an arm in front of Clagger stopping him from going first. following what Vi did almost exactly, just a bit more sloppy, Mylo finds himself on the other roof crouched down near Vi. Hearing and feeling a thud to his right Mylo looks over to see Clagger also crouched down but instead he has a whole cupcake stuffed in his mouth, one of the few that were left out on the balcony. Clagger not liking all of the rooftop exploring that they were doing, asked "Couldn't we have just walked there."

"Gotta stay outta sight for this one." was Vi's response to Clagger. "But we got Shirou, couldn't he have just kept us hidden.". Vi was quiet for a while before "He brought up a good point earlier on how we can't always rely on him for things like this." "Your damn right you can't", came the enthusiastic response from Shirou, who to the others, popped out of thin air with how quiet he was. "Anyways, now we're just waiting on.... Powder" she said making everyone look over to Powder who had a scared expression on her face "Called it" came the lazy response of "this is on you Vi", "It's on no one Mylo, and I'm pretty sure if you were up there at her age you'd be even worse" Shirou said sticking up for both Vi and Powder, "I appreciate it Shriou but you don't got to stick up for me" Vi said whilst patting him on the head. "I'll go get her" Clagger said trying to be helpful, unlike some people.

"No.", "Powder look at me," getting a slight tilt of Powder's head in her direction. "what did I tell you.", getting a hardened look from Powder, slowly she said "That, I'm ready", "That's right, So" came the final encouraging words from Vi, and that was all Powder needed. Taking a deep breath she slid down the roof landing on the pipe, leaping across to the balcony she yelps, grabbing onto the roof and trying to calm herself down. letting out a loud breath she drops down to the bottom of the balcony just like the others had, facing the roof back towards where she's standing and jumping straight across landing on the other roof.

Right as she lands she had managed to lose her balance tripping backwards almost about to fall straight off the roof but luckily was caught by her sister. Looking down and letting go of the breath she was holding she looked back up at her sister "Thanks" getting a nod from Vi as she pulled her up. they all looked around at each other before finally Vi said "C'mon, we're almost there now" making the others start walking right behind her on their way to commence their heist.

Sorry if the chapter is short I'm gonna be uploading the episodes in parts so I can get them done but still have consistent uploads to the story. I'm always welcoming any type of feedback so let me know what you think of it so far.

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