The Aftermath

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       Looking back, This sort of thing happened way to many times. Falling unconscious and waking up somewhere else isn't something someone should have to get used to, and with how much it happened to me i'm genuinely surprised I kept getting caught off guard by it. But this one, this one happened for a special reason. This time I didn't hit my head too hard, No, instead I got a jump start of arcane energy, pure arcane energy. I was told it was rare and later found out that, that was true, arcane energy was hard to come by. But when you're actively looking for it, it becomes less rare. Getting back on track, this was the first of many times that i came into contact with crystals like this, and each and every one of them gave me a rush that is hard to forget. A rush you don't want to forget.

Waking back up again, Shirou was waiting for the inevitable pain to come, only to feel completely fine, no headache, no ringing in the ears, nothing. Staring up at the familiar sight of the ceiling, he laid there for just a bit longer trying to wrap his mind around what had happened last night. 

He woke up in the middle of nowhere, followed a faint but glowing grey path which he can only assume has something to do with his magic, had a brief argument with Vi, touched a glowing blue crystal, then, nothing.

Sighing and rubbing his eyes he sat up and swung his feet over the edge of couch. Standing up and stretching he took a step forward and almost immediately felt the need to throw up. Leaning back and reaching his hand downward trying to find the couch.

Instead he fell backwards and onto the floor with a thud so he just laid there in silence, taking deep and steady breaths, trying to calm down from whatever was happening that was making him want to throw up. Finally feeling fine he carefully and slowly stood back up.

Looking around he noticed that he had somehow made it over to the other side of the room, a decent ways away from the couch. taking a step forward he tripped finding himself directly in front of the couch. Now sitting down the need to throw up came back but this time a slight bit less.

He didn't know what was happening. Bringing his knees up to his chest, everything began to finally catch up to him "What the hell" he whispered. He couldn't move without finding himself way further than where he wanted to be, with the added bonus of feeling sick.

He started to panic, he felt like he was stuck, not able to go anywhere, and unfortunately, no one to help him. It sounded almost silent upstairs in the bar, which meant either something important was happening or everyone was out.

Multiple questions floating around in his head 'What is happening', 'Where is everyone', 'Why are my thoughts so loud'. Until he finally just stopped. No more thoughts just action. He took multiple deep breaths, stood up, and concentrated. All of this has to be happening because of last night.

That crystal must have done something to his magic. Something new he could work with, Something to make him even stronger, Something to help protect the others. Now he just had to figure this out.

Closing his eyes shut in anticipation he began taking a step forward he was prepared to figure out how this thing worked. Only for nothing. He stepped forward like normal. No magic speed boost, or weird blip that placed him on the other end of the room. Just nothing.

Disappointment began to settle in, as well single question 'Why can't I do it again'. He decided to just wait for the others to get back and ask them what had happened. Vi and Powder had to have known. After all they were there.

Looking at himself he noticed the pale look he seemed to have. He didn't know why though so he decided to the only thing he could think of. Eat. Walking towards the door he reached for the handle before stopping and looking around. 

He stopped to focus on one thing. Right next to where he woke up was a sleeping Krug, the one he had bought the previous day. Peacefully resting, a slight rhythmic rise to himself caused by his breathing. 

Walking over he gently shook him, watching as the lights in the cracks began to illuminate just that little bit more. Looking around aimlessly the Krug finally laid his eyes on Shirou, Taking note of the pale look on it's new owner set a bit of panic into him.

The dimming of his lights and the concerned look on the Krug was all Shirou needed. "I'm gonna be okay bud, Just gotta eat and rest for a while." Not expecting anything Shirou was suprised with the slight head nod that he got from the Krug.

Standing back up Shirou patted his side whilst looking towards the Krug getting him to follow. Walking out the door and up the stairs Shirou kept looking back making sure his Krug was following "I really gotta name you".

Getting to the main area he noticed the a major lack of people, deciding to ignore it and focus on his need of food he walked up to the bar and waited for his Krug to be next to him. Kneeling down and picking him up he put him on the counter before sitting down himself.

The guy behind the bar watching this with a smile on his face, washing the glass that always seems to be dirty. Looking at them both his expression quickly became one of concern when he noticed Shirou "Woah kid, you okay. Should you be awake."

His concern was met with a small but appreciative smile from Shirou "I'm fine just gonna have something to eat then go back to sleep." Was his weak response. "And for the rocky gentlemen on my counter".

Shiroou thought about it be gaining a blank face at a thought "I have no idea how to take care of you" this got a blank stare from both the bartender and the Krug, directed towards Shirou. "What!, don't look at me like that", "it's not my fault I've never taken care of an animal."

"Gimme a sec" was all the bartender said before disappearing in the back Leaving Shirou and the Krug alone. Looking towards his Krug Shirou started "I've gotta give you a name.", a slight pause before "You understand me right" getting a quick nod from the Krug he continued "Alright just nod if you like the name" Getting a nod he began.

"Boulder" Nothing, "Rocky" Nothing, "The Rock" Nothing, "Pebble" Nothing but a blank look, "Stone" once again nothing. They both looked to their right as they heard the bartender walk back in holding three plates and a bowl.

"I hope you know that was painful to listen to." "And please stop with the rock puns". All Shirou did was give him a quiet snicker. "Whatever, anyways eat up" in front of Shirou was a bowl of chicken soup and a couple slices of bread. in front of the Krug was three different meals, one had meat, one had a salad, and one had, Rocks??.

The Krug just stared at him with a blank look whilst the bartender had an accomplished smile on his face. "Looking over towards Shirou he spoke "Why not call him Krug". This confused Shirou, why would he call him that when that's what he is.

He was about to speak up about it until he was cut off by a nod by the now dubbed Krug. "Seriously!, my rock puns weren't good enough but 'Krug' was" he argued gaining a small nod from Krug.

Taking a breath in defeat he just agreed to it "Fine, I dub thee, Krug" gaining a happy chirp from him putting a small smile on his face. Finishing his food and seeing all of Krug's plates were empty he said "Let's go Krug. And thanks Chuck." picking up Krug and walking back down to his room.

Chuck looked down towards the counter to see a small sack filled with some money. Gaining a soft smile he whispered "No problem kid". Shirou walked through the door and immediately went back to the couch.

First he placed Krug on the arm rest that had a stack of blankets before not so elegantly falling face first into a pillow and pulling a blanket up to his shoulders. Letting a peaceful sleep take over him.

Sorry for the late update. I'm not too good on making up my own scenarios but i wanna get used to it so sorry if its bad but i might wanna do more chapters like this. as usual give me any feedback you guys got.

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