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"Maya... thank you so much for giving him a chance. he was such a mess. he used to cry every night like a baby and. . ." Arjun couldn't complete his words as Adhi clamped his hand on Arjun's mouth and dragged him away from me.

Adhi was a mess? What was he talking about?

Arjun was mumbling something loud, probably curses, I couldn't make it out with the hand gag on his mouth. Tara started laughing and started pushing him out of the room. Before he closed the door behind them Adhi spared me a glance. And then shut the door on my face.

I waited a few seconds after they left, and grabbed a throw pillow from the couch and screamed into it.

This is a nightmare. Even bad than the ones I had every day. I had to be his pretend wife. And he agreed without a second thought. Of course he did. He couldn't spare a chance to torture me now could he?

I hate this. I hate this. I had to do something to cancel this trip. but again they are doing this to help me. if Raji aunty gets to dad with this proposal he wouldn't think twice before accepting it. Anything to get rid of me, anything to throw away the disappointment of a daughter.

I was about to leave the hall when vivek came charging in.

"we have to do something to cancel this trip" he muttered.

I was taken aback and remained silent for a while when vivek spoke again" they are going to take my baby on 70 km ride, most of it offroad through shortcuts, in this shitty whether" he started pacing "we gotta do something maya, I know you don't wanna go with that guy. lets help each other and stop this" he looked at me and attempted a puppy eyes, but miserably failed.

"why are you making that face?" I cringed

"its my cute face" he did the face again.

"there is nothing cute about that" he gasped and clamped a hand on his mouth.

"you are bitchy today, you are definitely upset" he spoke through his covered mouth.

"brother, im bitchy everyday. its just that you are on the receiving end today" I grabbed the hair from my face and tugged it behind my ears.

"as much as I would like to partner with your shenanigans, I need this trip to happen. its life or death for me." I plopped down onto the floor, vivek plopped beside me.

"Maya, if there is something going on, something serious, you would tell me right?" he asked. ive never heard his voice this serious.

I was lying to him. Lying to all of them. The only ones that actually cares about me. If they knew what happened to me in college they would beat Adhi to a pulp. As much I would like to see that happening, I cant do that to Arjun or Tara now. she was his family too.

"of course I would." the lie rolled around my tongue with ease. I was used to saying this particular lie for 5 years. But the winner was 'Im Fine'. Vivek had this super power to identify when I was upset or sad. He always had a soft corner for me. Varun says its because he didn't have sisters and I was the next girl baby born. so he kind of took the parent role for me whenever he was around. and it was one of the reasons I couldn't say this to him. he was so protective of me, god knows what he might do.

I gave vivek a hug and left for my room. I had to pack for the first trip with my fake hubby.


"What are you doing? stop pulling me asshole" Arjun's cursing made tara laugh even more louder.

"Why are you laughing so hard? What is going on? And who gave you permission to get married before you elder brother?" Arjun scowled.

Wedding In Pandemic ( Completed ✔) Where stories live. Discover now