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The slap echoed across creating the most beautiful harmony Ive ever heard in my life. Dad, no, that man looked shocked to his core. His pupils dilated so wide than I even forgot that he had brown eyes. After the initial shock anger started bleeding into his features. His lips curved back and displayed gritted teeth I welcomed another slap but his hand never rose, he just stood there defeated, his only trump card lost in a seconds worth of anger. A small smile spread on my lips through the smile.

I understood one thing. At first I thought the pain spreading through my chest was because I thought this man was not my father. But now I realise that I was grieving, grieving me, my lost childhood, my entire life lost to the hands of an abuser who is in no way related to me. Not by blood, Not by heart. A wave of something I have never experienced for this man came over me. It was happiness.

As If seeing me smile physically pained him he hit his last strike " I never loved you" He spat. The room gasped. Adhi's hand crept towards me and squeezed in reassurance. This is my moment. Im gonna clap back so hard, for all those years of pain and suffering.

"You think I care? You think I fucking care about what you feel about me? You think im sad to know that youre not my father? IM FUCKING RELIEVED. To know that such an asshole is Not my father, I should celebrate actually." I say and all the blood from that man's face leach away. Im not done yet.

"Im sad sure, Im sad to think that I wasted all 25 years of my life suffering because of a random man, who is not even related to me. To think I endured all this pain because you needed release, you needed to let out your stress. BUY A STRESS BALL! or a punching bag. Dont manipulate a kid into thinking she's a disappointment for her father, when youre not even her father, You douchebag!" I scream at him.

All my family including adhi has a proud smirk on his face. I see Tara and Arjun standing at the back. Tara has tears in her eyes and an expression almost similar to pride on her face, and a little bit of anger because I ruined her Sangeeth. i get it babe, im sorry. I turn towards that man again.

"You do realise im gonna sue you right?" I say and I see him visibly tremble. To see that fear in his eyes, that exhilaration you have no idea. It was so much better than any drug.

"What?" my mom asked.

"Oh yeah mom. This man, your husband, he's a nobody to me, abused me for minimum ten years, pretending to be my father. You are aware that is an offence right? Or were you too stupid to figure it out? Did you think you'll never get caught? Thank god im not your daughter." I kept hitting at him until I saw him hang his head. a position I often found myself infront of him. A sick sort of pleasure flew through me, But there was something the last nail on his coffin.

"You ungrateful, little bitch, after all I did for you -" He began his venomous speech again.

"Mr. Ravichandran, may I remind you where youre standing right now? My room, My tharavadu. My mother's family, My family which in no way is related to you. So I suggest you watch your words. And also that house that you so proudly call yours was built with my money, the money you blackmailed out of me by guilt tripping me. So yeah that's my home too. I dont ever want to see you again. Tara is it okay if I uninvite him from your wedding?"

"With pleasure" Tara came over and said it herself " You are uninvited from my wedding. Any objections?" None spoke. It was decided, this man was not going to be in Tara's wedding.

The next second itself he stormed out of the room to god knows where, he stopped by the door waiting for my mom to follow as usual, but she just stood by my side grabbing my hand. My mother always. even though not related to me by blood, she has always been my mother. As if getting that mom will not follow him anymore, That man walked out of the room and my life forever. I hope.

Wedding In Pandemic ( Completed ✔) Where stories live. Discover now