Chapter Seventeen: The Beanbag.

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Chapter Seventeen: The Beanbag.

"If there's one thing I'm coming back here for, it's the food," Hunter was saying as I entered the living room with my bean bag, wearing pajamas.

"Dude, same." Jason chuckled, getting up to go to the kitchen with his plate of cake crumbs. "Thanks Violet."

I yawned a reply and dumped my big bean bag near the wall.

It had to be about eleven pm and Dad was up in his room after a long day of work. I made sure to send him a message this time so he wasn't really surprised when he got back to meet five extra teenagers and a nine year old in his living room.

"I want more cake." Abbie groaned, practically sleepwalking as she came to lean on me.

"Tomorrow, Abbie. Go to sleep." I pat her fluffy ponytails. "Plus you ate the most cake out of any of us."

"It's just too good," she yawned and she was out like a light. I staggered backwards, trying in vain to lift her.

"Angelo, please..." I sighed and he got up from where he was slouching on the couch, texting or something. Jeez, even Mr. I'm-always-hungry was full.

"Thanks," I said as he effortlessly lifted the girl into his arms, bridal style.

"Well I'm out," Hunter announced and landed himself in a couch, stretching out and immediately starting to snore.

Annie and Jason were doing the dishes together apparently. How cute.

"Okay, this way," I waved Angelo over and led him up the stairs.

I was fine walking up in front of him for about five seconds until I suddenly became self conscious.

Oh jeez, was he looking at my butt? He probably wasn't, get it together, girl.
Halfway up, I completely forgot how to climb the stairs and ended up pausing awkwardly in front of him for a split second.

Then I looked over my shoulder and totally caught him staring and not at the back of my head!

His eyes darted up to look at my embarrassed expression and he shrugged.
"Uh...nice socks." Angelo said, softly.


In my attempt to say something, I just let out a tortured squeak and practically flew the rest of the stairs.

I couldn't say for sure but I think I heard him chuckle. But that was probably in my head.

"You can just put her on the bed," I said to Angelo, turning on the lights in my room.

There was already someone in the bed though, covered in my purple duvet.

"It's Susan." Angelo said, carefully laying Abbie down before adjusting the pillow under her head. He was so gentle.

I turned my attention to Susan and took her green glasses off to place them on the drawer. She was literally hugging the camera in her sleep and her phone was playing a video.

Not wanting to know what it was, I just turned it off.

"Guess I won't be sleeping in my bed tonight." I chuckled. I didn't really mind anyways.

"This is a really nice setting." Angelo commented, taking a look around before pulling Abbie's sandals off and tucking her in. Had he done this before? "It's so... Violet."

"Literally," I laughed.
I liked purple, it was just convenient that it matched with my name.

I was going to ask Angelo what his room in the Mayor's Mansion looked like, you know, small talk, but then I remembered "Franca Frances" happened to him.

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