Sixty-Five: The Message.

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Chapter Sixty-Five: The Message.

A//N: I did my best to make an impression of the New York accent in this, one that people hardly use nowadays but is still fum!

Angelo's POV

Insanity was said to be doing the exact same thing over and over and expecting different results. As of today it was definitely safe to declare me as the most insane man in New York and that was such a high bar to scale seeing as nearly everyone in this city was off their rocker.

For the third time in the past forty minutes, I pretended I was paying all my attention to the person speaking in this board meeting and scrolled through my phone to Violet's chats. I wasn't even hoping anymore to see that I could now send her messages, I'd learned not to be that optimistic, but it had become a habit, something I did without even thinking.

Unfortunately I had to bring my attention back to the discussion at hand, and just in time too,

"... believe this to be very beneficial, what do you think of this policy, Mr. Sullivan?" The lady, one of the board of directors asked.

"I have nothing against it." I replied, "It seems sensible enough, and it is good to propagate such a change into the workings of the company. But of course only if the rest of the board agrees, all in favor say aye?"

Everyone did and I internally breathed a sigh, finally this thing could end. "Seeing as there is no other business to come before the board, the meeting is adjourned."

After exchanging pleasantries, I walked right out of the room unfortunately very aware that I'd been the youngest person in there, with Miss. Agatha, my Personal Assistant right on my heels.

"Don't tell me there are more things for me to do." I said to her, wishing the sound of her heels on the tiles didn't give me a headache. "It's Sunday for heaven's sake."

"Of course there are Mr. Sullivan, you still have house hunting to do with Meyers and Noah remember? You specifically told me not to let you forget this time, because you've blown them off for the hundredth weekend." Miss. Agatha said and dropped herself into the chair on the other side of my desk once we entered my office. As an afterthought she added, "Would you also like me to book a massage? You look like you need it."

"You do your job too well, Hein" I muttered, "Leave the massage, tell Mey and Noah I'll meet them at the Home in thirty minutes and say hello to your boyfriend for me."

She grinned, "Oh, you mean I can leave? Thanks Boss, though I'm not too confident about leaving you by yourself. Should I call the realtor for you? I'll tell Charlie to bring the car around, just make sure you don't keep him waiting. Also please take your phone off 'do not disturb' so Meyers can reach you, you know how he gets. Oh and please, please try not to think about... her too much, okay?"

"Yes Mother, all duly noted," I told her as she left the office with her bag, phone pressed to her ear.

"I'll bring you guacamole tomorrow, okay? Bye!"

The office was quiet and empty after that and once again, I went back to Violet's chats. Still nothing.

You pathetic, obsessive, disaster. My subconscious reared it's ugly head, much harsher than ever before. Everyday you do the same thing, how much longer till you realize?! She doesn't want you, she doesn't care about you, you have given her a taste of life without you and now she's wiser, you should just kill yours-!

I stood up abruptly. This was why I'd been avoiding silence lately, the moment I was alone with my thoughts, I only felt worse off. Not letting myself think of anything else, I hurried over to the vehicle waiting for me.

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