Chapter 4

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"Wah, I'm so sick of school!" you exclaimed in distress.

It was late in the afternoon, and you and Light were walking home from school.

"Yes, yes, I know," Light chuckled at your little outburst.

"I want to do something fun! One day of fun will be enough to fuel me for the rest of the semester," you nodded in satisfaction to yourself.

"I suppose I could use a break myself," said Light.

"Oh right! I saw a video online of Space Land! I've never been there. It looks like so much fun!" you said excitedly.

"Say Light, do you like roller coasters?"

"Yeah, they're quite fun."

"I love roller coasters. Sometimes they're really scary though."

You suddenly stopped and glanced over your shoulder.

"Something the matter?" Light asked you.

"Oh, um, it's nothing," you said quickly.

You felt a strange presence following you, perhaps a stalker of some sort. You were sensitive to these types of things due to your keen senses.

Suddenly, Light stopped in his tracks, with widened eyes.

"Something the matter?" you asked Light.

"Oh. I just said what you said earlier," you laughed lightly at this realization.

"It's nothing," Light said with an unnatural smile.

'Maybe Ryuk was talking or something,' you thought.

Little did you know that you were right. It was exactly that. Ryuk had informed Light of a suspicious person who had been tailing him all day.

Eventually the two of you arrived at the Yagami house. After greeting Light's mom and Light's sister, the two of you went into Light's room to do some studying. The two of you sat across each other at the floor table. Light diligently studied his notes while you did the same, except you soon lost motivation and played a game on your phone.

"Light! Can you come here for a second?" a voice hollered from downstairs. It was Light's mother.

"Coming, mom!" Light hollered back as he stood up.

"I think my mom needs help with something," he said to you.

"Sure, go ahead. I'm not even studying anymore, anyway," you laughed.

Light exited the room.

A few seconds later, you stood up as well. You walked to the doorway and peered into the hallway. After confirming that Light had already gone, you quickly shut the door.

'I don't have much time, so I have to do this quickly, but I must also be careful. One mistake and I could die.' you thought.

You approached Light's desk and grabbed a ballpoint pen. You then swiftly disassembled it. Taking the pen's ink cartridge, you pulled out the desk drawer with a key inside its keyhole, and you stuck the ink cartridge inside a hole at the bottom of the drawer. The bottom of the drawer was then lifted, revealing the Death Note. You quickly touched it, and put everything back to how it was. You then went back to where you were sitting when Light had left the room.

Suddenly, you felt a large shadow, a presence, looming at the opposite side of the room.

'Ryuk,' you thought.

You lifted your eyes towards the presence, and were met with a shinigami.

It was quite terrifying. Yes, you were familiar with how Ryuk was supposed to look like. After all, you had watched the anime Death Note. However, seeing him in real life was frightening.

You managed to keep yourself composed. When Ryuk made eye contact with you, you held a finger to your lips, and tossed him an apple from your bag.

At that moment, you heard the sound of footsteps climbing the stairs, so you returned to the game you were playing on your phone, appearing as though nothing happened since the time Light had left the room.

"Were you able to help your mother?" you asked Light as he returned to his seat.

"Yes, she needed help carrying some things," he explained.

You saw him look to Ryuk, noticing how he was munching on an apple.

You laughed inwardly to yourself as you saw him mentally panic.

"Light, we've been studying for so long. We should call it a day and play a game!" you suggested.

"We? More like me. You gave up studying an hour ago," said Light.

"Hehe," you laughed.

"So, what do you want to play? I'll let you choose, since it doesn't make a difference to me. Whatever game you choose, I'll win," Light confidently smirked.

You rolled your eyes at this.

"Sure, whatever, Mr. Perfect," you joked.

"Hmm..." you thought out loud. "I know! Let's play Mario Kart!" you exclaimed excitedly.

It was a fierce battle, but it ultimately ended in yet another victory for Light Yagami.

"W-Well you know what they say. It's about the journey, not the destination!" you said trying to cope with your loss.

Light just ruffled your hair.

"I don't know why you always insist on playing when you know how its going to end," Light laughed.

Light took a glance at his watch.

"Oh, it's already this late. You should head home now, (F/N)," he said.

"Already? Aw, alright then," you said with disappointment.

Light escorted you to the gate of your house, and you said your good nights.

Back in his room, Light sat at his desk, thinking of how to deal with his stalker.

"Hey, Light," Ryuk suddenly started.

"What is it, Ryuk?"

"That girl who was just here....she's creeping me out," Ryuk finished.

Light stared at him in disbelief.

"Ryuk. You, a shinigami, are telling me that you're creeped out by a giggling little seventeen-year-old girl?"

"She creeps me out in the same way that guy who's been following you creeps me out."

Light narrowed his eyes in thought.

At that moment, his phone beeped. He had received a message.

He opened it and saw that it was from you. You were talking about Space Land's new roller coaster.

"I've got it!" Light suddenly exclaimed. "I just figured it out."

"Hm?" said Ryuk.

"How to find out that guy's name. The one who's been tailing me. But first, I have to conduct a few experiments."

Unbeknownst to you and Light, Ryuk had a very valid reason for being creeped out by you. You were a human unlike any he had ever seen. He could not see your name, nor your lifespan.

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