Chapter 7

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It had been over a week since the bus jacking and your date with Light at Space Land, and twelve FBI agents including Raye Penber had all died.

You knew that they had known the risks of getting involved in the Kira case, and that you weren't the one who wrote their names in the Death Note, but you still felt somewhat responsible for their deaths.

Light sat at his desk. He was analyzing his past actions to see whether he had made some kind of mistake.

'Only twelve FBI agents were sent to Japan...and there was that woman...' he thought to himself.

'That woman should have committed suicide by the afternoon of January third. Today is the fifth. The fact that nothing has happened to me yet is proof that she acted exactly as I wrote in the Death Note. She didn't tell anyone what she knew.'

'(F/N) is quite outgoing, but she wouldn't tell anyone about the bus jacking or our date in Space Land. Though her parents are hardly home, she told me that they're very strict. She would definitely get into trouble if they found out she went to the amusement park so near entrance exams. However, I know she's a whole lot shaper than she let's on, but it should be fine as long as I continue to treat her well.'

'Anyway, now that Raye Penber and Naomi Misora are dead, even if the fact that I was on that bus is somehow made known, that alone shouldn't place me under suspicion.'

It was the late afternoon of a few days later. You were returning to your house after a short walk around the neighborhood when you spotted Light...and Ryuk.

"Light!" you hollered from a few meters away, waving at him.

He appeared to have come from an errand. He had a paper bag from the bookstore under his arm.

You started approaching him.

"(F/N)," Light waved back at you with a smile.

Light thought that it was perfect. Inviting you over would make him appear less suspicious.

"Would you like to come in? We can play something," Light said to you.

"Yay!" you said.

The two of you entered the house, and went into Light's room.

L, the world's greatest detective, and Soichiro Yagami, chief of the NPA, were watching the feed of the cameras planted in the Yagami household.

"Your son has returned...but who is that girl with him?" said L.

"(F/N) (L/N). She's Light's best friend and she's also our neighbor," said Chief Yagami.

'(L/N). Well even if they do have the same name, it doesn't necessarily mean they're related...' L thought.

"How long have they known each other?" L asked.

"She moved to Japan about half a year ago."

"Hmm, I see."

You and Light decided to play Ace Attorney. When you played it together, the game always progressed so fast because of your astonishingly intelligent brains.

While the two of you played, you noticed Ryuk's peculiar behavior. He was climbing on the walls and the ceilings like he was searching for something. It soon dawned on you that he was searching for the hidden cameras. Light's house was bugged.

Sayu called for you and Light to come and eat dinner, so you saved the game and went downstairs.

"Not another music program," Light complained as he sat down at the table. "Watch the news once in a while, Sayu."

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