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*I ordered one orange juice for Taehyung...as i was leaving*

???: Hey bi*ch, what's up?

*I turned around and saw...*

*Scarlett, with her minions. She and her friends are also my bully, don't know why they all hate me?*

Y/n: what do you want Scarlett?

Scarlett: Nothing just want you to learn some lesson..

Y/n: please leave me i have more important things to do..

Scarlett: Just shut up...bi*ch..and I told you to stay away from Taehyung oppa than why do you always roam around him..huh?

Y/n: it's not me who always roam around your oppa. Your oppa only never let me live peacefully..

Scarlett: don't say anything bad about my oppa ok..and you don't deserve to live peacefully in your life..you are just a burden to this world.. pathetic bi*ch

Y/n: huh..'oppa's girl'!! Whose oppa don't even give a freaking shit to her..😒*you said in boring look*

Scarlett: what did you said..you piece of shit..*she was about to kick you but before that you pushed her making her fall on the ground*

Scarlett: You...*she stood up*.. Lilly, Mia hold her hands*she said to her minions*...now let's have some fun..😏*she said while smirking*

*She came infront of you and slapped you hard, making your head to move to other side*

*Your cheeks started burning*

*She then kicked you on your leg and punched in your stomach, she was about to slap you again...you closed your eyes.. ready for the pain..but it never came. You open your eyes and saw Chayoun holding Scarlett hand stopping her from slapping you*

Scarlett: oh lover boy is here to save her pathetic, weak girl..huh*she scoffed*

Chayoun: Y/n are you ok?*he asked while glaring at Lilly and Mia, they left your hand*

Y/n: yes I'm fine..

Scarlett: Omo see these pathetic lovers, both is perfect for eachother...both are weak

Y/n: we are not lovers... oppa's girl..

Scarlett: You-...

Chayoun: shut up..and just leave.

Scarlett: we are not done Y/n. You are going to suffer for this..bi*ch.

*then she and her minions left from there*

Chayoun: Y/n are you really fine?

Y/n: yes..yes I'm used to it..you don't need to worry..

*I suddenly remember, Taehyung told me to bring him juice*

Y/n: uuh.. Chayoun..i need to go somewhere. Thank you for saving me.*you bowed, took the juice from table and left from there*

*You were running, till you reached to the basketball ground*

Taehyung p.o.v

*I was playing basketball, while waiting for y/n to come but she was taking so much time. Don't know where she is. I know she will come because she will never disobey me..but where she is?*

*After the match was complete i was about to go and search for her when*

Y/n: I-im sorry Taehyung i was late..

*I turned around and saw her standing while panting heavily, like she ran and came here*

Y/n: your juice..y-you didn't said which flavour, so i took o-orange one*she said as she came closer to me to give the juice, but as i saw her face..my blood started to boil*

Taehyung: who did this to you?

Y/n p.o.v

*I looked at him confused of what he was saying, so i asked*

Y/n: what are you talking about?

Taehyung: what is that mark on your face?*he said while pointing his finger on my cheeks*

*Oh no..is that slap mark? I forget to check it otherwise I would have put some makeup to cover it. Now what will i say to him? Think y/n..think*

Taehyung: i asked something to you y/n *he said while gritting his teeth*

Y/n: I-its..n-nothing i just got hi-hit from the d-door maybe it caused m-mark on it*you said while shuttering*

Taehyung: really..but it don't look like you got hit from the door instead from someone and may i know who is that?

Y/n: No..no it's really nothing i just got hit by the door and nothing..and why are you worrying. You don't need to show me that you care for me*you said and left from there*

*thank god I ran from there..if i had stayed there one more sec then i must have been caught*

Taehyung p.o.v

Taehyung: i don't think what she said was true..it was clearly a slap mark, i have to find out who is that bi*ch who did that to her..*i angrily said and drink the juice which she brought for me*

*I personally don't like orange juice but it was so tasty as y/n has brought this for me🤭, and i didn't said which flavour i want..soo..you know everything is pure and good from your loved ones*

Y/n p.o.v

*I was sitting in my class and paying attention to the board as teacher was teaching, so i thought to study because exam is coming close*

*After this class lunch break is there and i am so so hungry. As the bell will ring I'll directly go to eat my food😅*

Time skip to the lunch break:..

*I was eating my lunch at the rooftop. I always eat here because in cafeteria i eat alone in a corner, so better to be there i eat here while watching the sky. It relax my mind so much. I love to be alone where no people are present it's so calming*

*As i was eating someone came behind me and said*

???: Are you Y/n?*one girl asked*

Y/n: yes..

???: Taehyung is calling you Y/n. He is in third floor hallway..he said to call you immediately.

*she said.. i looked at her confused. Taehyung had never called me at lunch time then why now and specially he never send anyone to call me, he himself come to annoy me😑*

Y/n: Are you sure he has called me? I mean he must have called someone eles!!

???: No no he said that he have some important work, so he send me to call you.

Y/n: oh ok I'm coming*maybe he have some work that's why he didn't came..i should go or else what if he scold me..no no i will go*


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Next part will be updated soon: bye

And next part is the interesting and main part so please enjoy..☺️💜

Kim Taehyung ff | WHEN SOMEONE TOUCH YOU INAPPROPRIATELY INFRONT OF HIM| ✓Where stories live. Discover now