Diamond is Unbreakable 17

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What happened previously:

"You have gotten quite sharp with age." You shrugged him off. "I mean, we both know how cruel this world can be, Jotaro." You sighed as he agreed as you sat down next to him on the grass, looking down at a celebrating teenager. "Josuke is still young and lacks experience in dealing with Stands. What is wrong with pushing him a little in the right direction when he clearly wants to exceed his own abilities.... Nerves of steel would definitely be helpful, don't you agree?"

"Good grief, Y/N, you are just too much sometimes. He is still a boy." He replied, closing his eyes.

"You were around his age when we fought Dio." You fired back with a soft voice as he lied his head in your lap tiredly. "I just want to protect everyone I care about and the best way to do so is to make them stronger when they are surrounded by danger."

"... Y/N, what danger are you talking about?" Jotaro hummed as you kept silent, biting your lip refusing to answer his question as he opened his eyes a bit, smiling a bit. "At least we can finally relax a little." He mumbled as both of you stared into the sunset, the breeze ruffling up your hair as you heard Josuke's shouting in the background.

Still you could not really feel at easy as you could feel trouble creeping up behind you.... You did not know why, but your gut feeling was never wrong before and it told you that it was only the calm before the storm....

Rohan Kishibe's Adventure:

"Thank you Y/N for picking me up today." Koichi chuckled sheepishly as you leaned on the fence surrounding the high school grounds, seeing other students pool out in little groups chatting excitedly with each other, some girls blushing and waving shyly at you as you waved back casually, making them giggle a bit, before they turned back to their friends, snickering a bit before heading home. "Sorry about that... Many girls and boys think that you are some sort of famous celebrity." He mumbled. "But I guess it isn't something new for you is it?" He asked, rubbing his neck while you took off your dark sunglasses, putting them back in the pocket of your coat.

"Do not worry about that." You grinned, standing up properly as both of you started walking together. "Really your mother is just too kind, is it really okay for me to come over for dinner again? I hope I am not disturbing or anything" You laughed nervously. "Well, let's look for some nice presents for your family, you can help me with that right?" You suggested, putting a hand on the small boy's shoulders as he flinched.

"No please don't!" He gasped loudly, waving his arms around frantically. "Really! Y/N! You should not be spending so much money every single time! It is not necessary at all!"

"It is no problem. I am as wealthy as it gets." You stopped turning your face to look at the gray haired teenager who just sighed in defeat.

"Yes, yes..." He replied meekly, deciding to change the topic."Well what is Josuke up to?" He questioned curiously as both of you began walking again." Usually he would follow you around everywhere, except when you have plans of course!"

"He went over to visit Okuyasu today. They wanted to have a little sleepover..." You Laughed. "I know nothing much what they have planned, except that both of them were complaining about how hard the homework assignment was. Josuke tried to ask me for help but I told him that he will manage just fine if he would put his head into it. So I said he should figure it out alone and somehow Okuyasu decided to make their homework together over at his place..." You smiled. "They grow up so fast." You wiped an imaginary tear. "Did you know, Okuyasu asked me if I had any adult videos I would recommend them for their sleepover?" You laughed as Koichi's eyes widened to the size of plats as he choked on his spit, coughing violently.

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