Diamond is Unbreakable 41

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What happened previously:

"Y/N L/N, head of the Speedwagon Foundation, thank you for all your hard work." You reached for your coat pocket, pulling out your wallet, showing them your identification documents, pulling them out of your dark coat. "I am sorry to have caused you trouble." Apologizing you bowed lightly as they stood up straight, saluting lightly.

"Thank you for your work on the missing cases." One of the officers grinned sheepishly, before turning serious. "May we ask you a few more questions at the station? We promise it will not take long, just a witness attest."

"Surely." You nodded calmly. "We would want to wrap this up as efficiently as possible."

"Y/N..." Josuke whispered as everyone else stared at you following a police officer as you flashed them a quick grin.

"I cannot believe it..." Okuyasu breathed out.

"An accident.... His demise was due to an accidental death." Koichi muttered.

"But this is how it should be." Rohan concluded. "There would be no way to punish him in court. This was the best outcome. I bet Y/N will be able to console the Kawajiris as well, I think her decision is justified. Since we all know what happened to the real father of Hayato. We should check up on that boy soon.

"I am sure Y/N will take care of all the legal issues as well." Jotaro nodded Kakyoin agreed.

"I am going to make a few calls." The red head excused himself to the side, taking out his phone.

"It is you..." Kira whispered as it finally clicked. "I believe your name was Reimi Sugimoto...." He dragged out his words as Reimi took a few steps back, turning her back to him as Kira's hand closed around her shoulder. "What the hell have you been doing here for fifteen years?!" He hissed, stopping. "Wait... Why would you go to the trouble of showing me the wound on your back and telling me who you are? This would not be the place where you are not supposed to turn around, is it?" Pausing he watched Reimi's facial expression change. "My father told me that there was a road in this town where spirits of the dead walk, and if you were to find yourself there, you must not turn around. If you were to turn around an uncontrollable power would drag you off somewhere. You were not showing me the wound on your back so I would end up in front of you, forcing me to turn around, were you? You were not trying to trick me, were you?" He questioned her as Reimi stared in front of her in terror as Kira gently moved his hand over her neck to her chin, grabbing onto it. "Let's have you turn around." He muttered chillingly, turning her face as she strained her neck against him.

As soon as Kira's face passed by her, it returned to his former face, his disguise as Kosaku Kawajiri disappearing entirely as his blonde locks fell into his face, his wounds healed.

"Come on! Turn around!" He urged her, grinning. "You will turn around!"

"... Did you really think..." She started coldly as he flinched "... that I did not expect you to try to do this to me? We have been waiting fifteen years for you to come here..."

"We?" Kira repeated as from the corner of his eyes he saw Arnold, leaping at him, his teeth bared at him, biting him in his arm that held Reimi captive.

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