It's Nice To Have A Friend

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"You read her file," Sam states, seeing the solemn, downright depressed look on Tony's face when you two return to the compound the next day. He left you sitting on the couch just outside the conference room while both men watch you from the other side of the glass.

"I did," Tony confirms, still looking at you with sadness and indignation for you.

"Don't look at her like that," Sam hisses under his breath.

"Like what?"

"Like you read her file. You're gonna upset her."

"I'm going to upset her? She upset me. Do you know how hard it is to make me sad?"

"Yes, it's sad," Sam concedes, turning himself and Tony away from the window before you can make out anymore of their conversation. "Yes, she went through a lot, but she's happy now. She likes living with me. We have a lot of fun together."

"She can't read?" Tony asks, wincing at his many sarcastic remarks he made the day before.

Sam sighs. "She's learning. She's picking it up pretty quickly too."

"I made at least two sarcastic comments about her not being able to read caution labels yesterday. I feel like a jackass," he admits.

"You are a jackass," Sam confirms. "But we knew that before you made those comments."

"Alright, momentary sadness over. Thanks, Wilson," he jokes halfheartedly. "Did they really-?


"Perform exorcisms- like actually perform them on her? That can't really be a thing in this day and age, can it?"

Sam's mouth pulls in, he tries not to think about it. Think about the things that happened to you. He learned your triggers very quickly, but it was not something you ever really talked about outside of therapy. "Yes," he whispers solemnly. "Amongst other things."

You sigh loudly, sitting alone while Sam talks to Tony. Though you couldn't hear them, you had a pretty good idea of what they were talking about. You could tell from the way Tony was looking at you when you first walked in.

Though you're lost in though, you immediately notice Bucky walks into the living area. He's definitely pleasantly surprised to see you sitting there all alone. "Doll? What are you doing here?"

"Sam wanted to introduce me to more people," you explain as he comes to take a seat next to you. Without even thinking about it, you shift closer to him, leaning your head against his shoulder. He lets out a sigh as you come to rest your head, so quiet that you don't even really hear the comfort in the exhale.

"Well don't look so excited about it," Bucky sarcastically mutters, resting his arm on the back of the couch.

A smile tugs at your lips. "It must be exciting, being here all the time," you remark, subtly redirecting the conversation.

"Eh, it has its ups and downs. Not a lot of privacy- at least you and Sam only have to share with each other."

"That's true," you nod. "I met Steve, by the way. And apparently he doesn't like it when people touch his shield."

"You didn't," Bucky laughs. You smile up at him, always feeling particularly proud when you can coax a hearty, loud laugh from Bucky.

"It bent so easily," you continue. "I told you so."

"I don't doubt it. That's why I told you to leave my arm alone."

"And I did!" you laugh, already feeling more at ease with as you continue conversing with Bucky.

"So you two were looking pretty cozy," Steve comments, having seen the two of you laugh and endlessly chatter as he, Tony, and Sam all discussed the logistics of getting you slowly integrated into the team.

Bucky scoffs, throwing another unsuccessful right hook. "Say what you have to say, Steve."

"Nothing," Steve insists, the two of them circling the boxing ring in the training room. "How long have you known her?"

"A few months now. We've gone on a few missions together. Why?" Bucky grunts, dodging another one of Steve's punches.

"Nothing, really. Just wanted to know if she's the reason you've been in such a good mood the last few months."

"I haven't been in a good mood," Bucky replies, leaving his side open for Steve to sneak a punch in.

It's not just today that Steve's noticed something going on with Bucky, the super soldier seemed happier, more distracted, content to focus on things other than their next mission. And now that Steve had seen Bucky interact with you, it wasn't hard to put the pieces together. Steve continues circling the ring, taunting, "Come to think about it, you've been oddly eager for your missions with Sam. Always coming back smiling to yourself, smelling oddly floral, I thought you were seeing someone to be honest."

Bucky shrugs, getting especially frustrated with Steve's particular line of questioning. "She doesn't really get personal space. I don't have the heart to say anything."

Steve eyes him with a knowing look on his face, successfully swiping at Bucky's ribs again. "And I'm sure if it bothered you that much, you'd say something."

"I never said it bothered me, but that's why I smell like flowers all the time."

"Interesting," Steve smirks. "How many missions was that with Sam?"

"Does it matter?" Bucky counters, grunting as Steve sneaks jabs his side again.

"No, I could just go look myself. I'd rather hear it from you."

"A few a week."

"A few a week for the last few months seems like more than a few missions. Actually, you've been gone a lot lately, even on days you don't have missions," Steve smugly points out.

"You're reading too much into it, Steve. I'm just doing my job."

"Such a hard job," Steve smirks, sweeping Bucky's leg, sending the man down onto the mat. "Hanging out with a beautiful woman every single day. Letting her hang all over you. Flirting with each other."

"You're insane," Bucky rasps, taking Steve's extended hand to stand up. "And we're just friends."

"Sure you are, 'just friends'."

"Friends," Bucky repeats more sternly, stepping out of the ring. "That's all."

"What does Sam think about all of this?" Steve asks as he unwraps his hand and Bucky takes off the glove on his metal hand, the one that kept him from inflicting unfair damage during these little training matches.

Bucky takes a large swig of water, rolling his eyes at Steve. "Don't know and I don't care. Sam's the one that put us together in the first place."

"Very defensive for a man that doesn't care."

"Alright, I'm done with this conversation," Bucky nods, standing up and walking out of the training room.

"I'm glad someone's finally making you happy!" Steve teasingly calls as Bucky walks further away from him.

"Just friends!" Bucky calls over his shoulder.

"Yeah, okay," Steve sarcastically scoffs to himself.

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