Invisible String

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"Damn it," Bucky hisses, rummaging through your files. Most of this stuff he already knows- though he has to admit there's things in here that he's not even sure you know. He carefully combs through the whole thing:

The beginning of your life was tragic to say the least. It wasn't that fairytale beginning that you once told Bucky you pictured. According to your file, you were left on the doorstep of an unnamed orphanage, all that connected you to your parents was a note that said, 'sorry'.

Apparently that unnamed orphanage was a superstitious one, strange things started happening- small fires, winds blowing cabinets and windows open, sinks overflowing. You were the only correlation to these strange occurrences.

It gets a little hazy after that.

You were bounced from countless orphanages and state-funded homes. Until you fell into the hands of an organization that claimed to help gifted children, except they didn't.

With some pictures included courtesy of Nick Fury and the SHIELD agents present when he found you, Bucky can see firsthand the small room you were kept in. All those stories you told, all your worst experiences- they all took place in this room. Deprived of sunlight. Barely given food. Tormented. Physically and psychologically abused. Not given anything that wasn't vital to your survival- including any type of education. There's a picture of the tiny blanket you slept on your entire life. The lifeless, windowless derelict room. It fills him with indignation for you.

It details your unsuccessful suicide attempt.

They found you almost a year and a half after that.

When they found you, you could speak only about a dozen words. You could recite most of the alphabet. You could not read, you could not write, but according to Nick Fury, you were incredibly intelligent and eager to learn about the world.

It details your time with Sam. You two lived together off the compound in housing meant for SHIELD agents. Sam's many reports of you read like a big brother talking about his little sister growing up.

In the beginning, Sam was certain that eventually you'd have some epic meltdown- some realization that you needed revenge or vindication, but it never came. He writes about how you constantly find the good in the world. You found things to be exciting, all while trying to mask the trauma of what you went through.

He writes random notes and stories about that time in your life, like when you successfully cooked a meal alone for the first time.

When you learned that you don't have to hoard food in your room.

When you wrote out the alphabet for the first time.

When you read your first chapter book.

The first time you rode the subway alone.

Or bought groceries by yourself.

All your milestones, all your victories, they're all there.

He reads the report Sam wrote right before introducing the two of you. Bucky never really understood why him, out of everyone else here, why introduce you to the most jaded, negative member of the team. Sam wrote that he feels that the two of you could make a good team, you'd balance each other out.

Two sides of the same coin.

One pessimist, one optimist, both equally traumatized and haunted, both trying to atone for things out of their control. Sam wrote that Bucky is a reluctant partner, but you two show potential.

There's a picture from when you were first found- you're you, but not really. Your hair is darker like Bucky's was from lack of sunlight. Your face isn't round, but sunken in. Your skin is almost translucent, tightly stretched over your cheekbones. But your eyes- your eyes are still the same. The report from the first day is terrifying to Bucky. You're malnourished, dehydrated, scared, but in control of your abilities. Fury is shocked at your lack of basic knowledge and your willingness to learn without getting discouraged.

Two Sides of The Same Coin: Grumpy x SunshineWhere stories live. Discover now