Chapter sixteen

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Madison Harper
It was now time to go. Rafe and I both dressed in all black and packed our supplies. Great. I brushed out my blonde hair and put on a beanie attempting to hide my hair. I then put the hood from my sweater on and so did Rafe. We also had black mittens on as we made our way to his range rover. The security let us out as we made our way to the abandoned building.

I didn't speak to rafe the entire time I was nervous and I couldn't even look him in the eye without feeling sick to my stomach.

"Okay so," He said breaking the silence. "when she gets there you guys will be having a conversation with eachother. Ill be hiding and when you give me your signal I will come and..." He said not wanting to say the last part.

"Yeah I know." I said in a tone that I understood him. My breathing became uneasy as I felt myself grow sweaty and sick again. This time really sick. Good thing we arrived at our location, hiding our car I jumped out holding my stomach as I began puking on the floor.

"Oh for fucks sakes Madison!" Rafe said hoping out of his car and coming next to me. He looked away as he heard my gags and coughs.

"Yup, let it all out mhm." He said with a disgusted look in his face as he rubbed my back in small circles as I started calming down.

"Fuck. That felt gross." I said making a grossed out face.

"Well sorry to break it to you but we need to get in position." He said and I rolled my eyes following him into the building taking our positions. Rafe hid somewhere I don't even know where I was still sick as hell and I just stood there like a dumb ass. Im literally about to get killed.

I don't remember how we lured her here but we did. Someway somehow I was too in my head to pay attention to how Rafe got her to come here.

I heard a car door slam shut and footsteps approach the entrance of the building. Okay great. This is happening. Time to get my attitude on because this is the last time I will be seeing this bitches face ever again.

"Well look who we have here." Lily said as she fidgeted with the sharp object in her hand. Fucking awesome. My breath became shaky and I gulped in fear. I shook it off and focused on what I was here for.

"Lily." I said disgustingly eyeing her up and down as we stood face to face.

"What a pleasure seeing you here." She smirked. Gross. She is so ugly I wanna fuck her up one last time before I get killed or she does.

"Can't say the same for you." I said confidently as I tilted my head to the side.

"Hm acting smart now aren't we?" She said gliding her finger across the knife she had. Fuck Ill admit it...i'm scared.

"You know what i'm here for, correct?" She said and I nodded.

"Perhaps." I said with a smirk.

"Don't act smart with me. Do you know what im here for?" She said getting impatient. Okay now im shitting myself.

"You want me dead, correct?" I mocked her tone causing her to laugh.

"Yes." She said and that made me sick to my stomach. "You must love fucking up peoples love lives, correct?" God it's getting old already. They were not fucking together anymore!

"Perhaps, but you know what sucks?" I said side eyeing Rafe very quickly signaling him to get ready.

She hummed in response.

"You're gonna have to die first." I smirked and signaled him with my hand to shoot. I shut my eyes as I heard a loud gunshot. I jumped at the loud noise as it echoed through the building. I opened my eyes to see Rafe holding a gun and Lily's now lifeless body on the floor. She was still breathing but barely.

"I.. lo-ved you.." She said in between breathes before she took her last and was now dead. Her words hit me like a knife. Dide she actually love me? If she did them she wouldn't have wanted me dead. Shit what have I done.

Rafe looked at me with guilt at her words as I just stared at her with tears spilling out of my eyes and falling down my face, my breathing very heavy and shaky.

"What have we done?" I whispered with a frown.

oh nooo. cmon Madison stop being so softt you hated the bitch. anyway guys what a very intense chapter we have here, the next will be just as intense and shocking. I guess you will have to wait and see. It's also 5 am where i live and ive just been up writing these chapters for u guys so I hope you like them :)


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