Chapter One | Bad Food And A Cramped Car

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The cold Sunday morning air woke Max from her not so peaceful night's sleep. The group had been up until two in the morning trying to find out more about the island, and yet no information had been found out. "Maybe that's why the island is called lost?" Melissa's words rang through her mind. "I told you guys we shouldn't trust this but no, you guys never listen to me!" Amy would scream at the top of her lungs being overdramatic.

Most of Saturday went about printing their passports and packing appropriate clothing for whatever weather might hit last minute, and because of Amy everyone had to pack clothing everything from summer wear up until winter wear. "Guys get up! It's almost twelve!" Melissa's voice rang from the other room.

Max shot up from her bed, nearly slipping and falling because of the silk bedding, "How?! Everyone set their alarms for eight!"

"That was for this morning?! I thought it was for when our flight leaves." Dylan's call was heard from opposite Max's room.

Max rushed to get dressed, her curly hair a big tangled mess since they all decided to shower last night to save time. Thank goodness for that. She walked out of her messy bedroom seeing Alex still fast asleep on the living room couch, "Oh of course he'd be the one to sleep in." Amy grumbled, all dressed and ready as if she had woken up early.

"Yeah not like it's a five hour drive to the airport we have to be at." Dylan muttered sarcastically noticing his best friend fast asleep on the couch as he walked in.

"WAKE UP!" Melissa screeched at the top of her lungs pulling Alex off the couch by his ankles. Instantly Alex jumped up his hair sticking to his forehead.

"Huh?" he yawned, making the group stare at him in question.

"It's eleven thirty-eight we all over slept; go get yourself out of your T-Rex pyjamas we need to go." Amy explained. Alex looked down at his midnight blue pyjamas full of dinosaurs, "What's wrong with my clothes?"

"C'mon buddy," Dylan sighed practically picking Alex up, "I'll get him to wake up, you guys go pack the car."

"Why should we be the ones packing the car?!" Melissa protested her eyebrows furrowing, "You are the guys!"

"You're forgetting one of us guys is half asleep and we all know Alex can't wake up unless forced." Dylan calmly stated not wanting to upset Melissa knowing she gets upset easily.

"Just put a pepperoni pizza in front of him," Max mumbled under her breath annoyed at Alex and Dylan and well just about the entire situation.

"I HEARD THAT!!!" Alex screamed as Dylan carried him away.

Max raised her arms shaking her head in disbelief, "Half asleep yet that he hears."

"I guess we don't have a choice." Melissa yawned.

The girls started packing Max's beige beetle as much as they could. They had to tie some of the suitcases on the roof. "I think that might be everything." Amy checked for everyone's suitcase.

"Everyone have their passport and ticket?" Max asked digging in her handbag to locate hers.

"Mines in my toiletry bag," Melissa stated.

Amy raised an eyebrow, "Yours isn't here."

Sighing Melissa shrugged, "I must've left it in the bathroom, and I'll go fetch it quickly."

And with that she walked back up the stairs until she reached the apartment while Max and Amy double checked everything for the third time. Not hearing the shower running she walked into the bathroom grabbing her bag on the sink counter.

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