XXXI. The Best Mom is My Sister

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Chapter 31, The Best Mom is My Sister

" I didn't ask to be this way! It just happened and, and I like it! "

~ Third Person's POV ~

Well, if you gotten this far in the book, then you know about Delilah and her older sister Marta whom she lives with due to her parents not being in the picture.
But only I know about their history and the reason why their parents aren't in the photo, more specifically why Delilah lives with her sister.

Now Marta Jordan O'Neil is a 34 year old woman who works day and night as a teacher, Marta's been taking care of Delilah since Delilah was born.
Some of you may ask why, some of you are probably conjuring up theories on what could have happened so I'll give you a moment to put your theories.

Before we bring in Delilah, Marta was a sweet girl who spent most her time studying for a good education or living her best life with her best friends.
She was the golden child, although her parents were struggling with some financial issues, it didn't stop her from wanting to achieve her dream.

Key word, Marta Jordan O'Neil was the golden child which means past tense.
It's nobody's fault on what happened and why she stopped being the favorite child, nobody except her parents because on August 12th, Delilah was born.

Marta was so happy to have a younger sibling, especially a sister since she was an only child and she never really had any of the sibling experiences her friends were experiencing.
She was so happy to have a sister that she dropped all her friends to spend time and focus on her sister only, which meant she only had education and her sister for comfort when things went to dust.

Which they went to dust faster than the bullet hit ashtray's forehead, I don't care if that's out of pocket either.

"Mother, father. I need to have a word with you in the kitchen."

Marta whispered, the parents got up from the couch as they were watching TV and walked to the kitchen.
A seven month old Delilah was found in the crib, watching Paw patrol as the Seventeen year old walked to the kitchen and took a deep breath.

There was one bad thing about Delilah and Marta's family, that thing is being homophobic.
Now there's one thing about Marta and that was the fact she had recently discovered that being straight was something she wasn't good at, instead being pansexual was something she could exceed with her eyes closed.

If you put two and two together, congratulations and if you haven't, I suggest you ask your mates for some clarification.

"Marta, what is it?"

Leona, Marta's then mother asked.
You'll know why I said then mother.

"Father, Mother.. There's been something on my mind and I need to tell you this and you may not like it."

Marta spoke out as her muscles tensed up, she felt her heart beat race faster than it ever had.
It was like her muscles in her legs went numb and she couldn't hold herself up, she held onto the counter and looked at her family as the truth made it's way up her throat and out her mouth.

"I, I'm not straight. I'm not exactly lesbian, but I'm, I'm pansexual which is something that isn't necessarily a bad thing."

Marta choked, it was like her words were untangling themselves from her lips but stood stuck on her tongue.
The words finally made it's way into her parents brains and they looked at her with utter disgust, there was a silence as the three exchanged looks.

"Marta Jordan O'Neil, you're telling me that you're not straight? Is this some type of rebellious phase you're going through?"

Marta's mother asked as she walked closer to her daughter, frozen in fear, Marta shook her head as tears began to slip.
Carlos, Marta's father stood there with pure disgust as he crossed his arms and stared at Marta.

"Turning your back on God is not an option! Marta, the Lord gave you the life to live in and air to breathe and this is how you repay him? You turn your back on him to open your arms for the Devil himself?!"

Leona raised her voice as she walked back to her husband, Marta stood there as she fidgeted with her fingers.
Picking at her nails which made them bled was something that Marta always did as a teenager and child due to the religious trauma she delt with.

"Don't treat me as if I chose this lifestyle, I didn't!"

Marta spoke back, which was a wrong move.
Leona looked back at her daughter and walked right up to Marta, raising her hand and letting it fly.

Everyone could hear the loud smack, a thud was heard as Marta landed on the ground taking some cups down with her.
As the glass cups landed, they left shards in her skin which caused her to bleed even more.

"You pack your things, a Satan worshipper is not welcomed here. You're not my daughter."

The words burned a hole in Marta's chest and made it's way to shatter and damage her heart, as Marta got up, she looked at her mother with blurred vision.

" I didn't ask to be this way! It just happened and, and I like it! "

Marta walked out of the kitchen as she screamed those words, nobody but Marta's heart could decided who it likes.
As she walked into the bathroom, she stared at her bruised, bloodied face and sighed.

"You did this to yourself Marta, You should've known better."

Marta muttered to herself, with the tweezers in hand she removed the glass shards.
A few squeals left her mouth but other than that she was fine, she disinfected her arms and hands and placed bandaids all around.

When that was done, she walked to her room and packed up all her clothes and grabbed her money.
She took a moment as she stared into her parents room, that's when she decided her sister couldn't be allowed to stay here with them.

Swiftly, she grabbed diapers, extra bottles, and clothes that her sister would need since she would be looking for a job and a home.
As she walked downstairs, Marta grabbed the formula for the milk and some water bottles with some instant noodles.

Marta peeked into the living room to make sure it was empty, she walked into the living room and put her coat on along with her sneakers.
She walked over to her baby sister and placed her sneakers on with her coat, she scooped her sister up and walked out the door.

From then on, Marta only said that both her parents died tragically due to a house fire.
Delilah never asked about it, she just didn't want to remember the pain that Marta must have felt when they "died."

But in all honesty, her parents did die.
They died the moment they kicked their own blood out the house for being themselves, but Marta will never say it.

For as long as Marta lives...

"I take this secret to the grave."

Marta mumbled to herself as she unlocked the door to her now apartment and hugged her seventeen year old sister, how bad she felt for keeping a big secret from her sister but how good it felt to not be treated differently.

But that's their backstory, it doesn't get much worse from here now...

That is unless someone unexpected shows up and ruins it for them, but they won't.

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