11]Connecting the dots.

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Was he...
Was Light looking at the death note that fell from the sky?
That's why it felt too familiar . That's because I'd watched the whole thing happen before my eyes. I looked at my watch. It was 5 pm. School was over about 2 hours ago... that meant that the Death Note was already in Light's hands now.
What should I do then? I always knew that this world follows the plot so this day was going to come soon. But what would I do then?
I can go and tell L everything before anything happens but ..
what's the fun in that.
Let me just play around. After all I was granted a new life so that I can enjoy it.
I smirked.

Light's perspective:

I was looking forward to sitting with
Y/n but Akari sat in her seat. I was irritated but nevertheless I let it go. After answering an easy question I turned to the window and peered outside when suddenly I saw something rectangular like a black notebook falling from the sky. I was curious, It was odd that it fell out of nowhere. The teacher called Y/N to help her. Usually we go home together so it was my chance to check it out. I picked it up after class. It said Death Note. I was bewildered. I opened it and and read the first rule inside: "The human whose name is written in this notebook shall die". Hah what a lame joke.Not believing it, I dropped it back to the ground.
only to go back and pick it up moments later.
Should I show this to Y/N ? I thought but threw away the thought.I read the rest of the rules at home and dismissed it as "pretty detailed for a prank". Still curious on the subject, I decided to try it out somehow. "Children held hostage in a kindergarten!" I heard the news reporter yell from the TV. They displayed criminal on the TV named Kurou Otoharada to be the suspect with a photo of his face. Alright.... this is my chance. Hesitantly, I wrote his name down in clear letters and waited for 40 seconds to see if he dies of a heart attack as the rules state. 38...39...40.
40 seconds have passed and there's no news of his death. I concluded that it's just a prank after all. What a waste of time, I scoffed.

However, just as I was about to turn off the TV, it was reported that not only had the hostages escaped, but also Otoharada collapsed and died. I was too stunned to unerstand.Shocked, I thought it must be a coincidence.My mother called me to go to cram school so I decided to test the Death Note again after school. Walking home after school, I wondered if I would be doing society a favor by killing useless people.
What would Y/N think of this?
I witnessed a girl getting harrassed by a biker gang member.
"I'm Takuo Shibumaru!you insolent girl, how can you dare to disobey me!" He yelled. It was my chance now.Entering a convenience store, I wrote down the name and cause of death, "accident".Seeing the biker hit by a truck moments later, I concluded that
the Death Note was real after all.

Reader's perspective :
I waited for Light to return from cram school so that I could start my
I pretended I was just going to his house when I saw he was close enough to notice.
"Y/n" he called out.
"Oh I was just going over to your house. I needed your opinion on my essay assignment " I lied smoothly.
"Sure" he said calmy as if nothing had happened before.
We both walked into his house. While we were walking I subtly removed the love letter Light had put in his front zip and threw it next to Mrs yagami's feet.
We both walked up the stairs and I layed on his bed.
"Its been an eventful day" I remarked.
"It.. has." Light said.
He placed his bag down and came up to me . I removed my essay and handed it to him . He began reading but a yell came from down. It was Mrs yagami.
"Light! What is this!" She yelled
In the background Sayu squealed.
"Light I knew you had a girlfriend!!"
It worked.
Light sighed in confusion.
"You should go see what that's about"
I stated .
"Yeah.." Light kept the sheet down and walked down the steps.
Now Is my time.
I rushed to his school bag and removed it.
The death note. Just as I knew the first 2 names were written down already. I flipped to a random page and pulled out my cutter. Precisely cutting out a page in a manner that no one could even guess that it had been touched. I slowly put it back exactly where it was and made sure that I didnt move it an inch. I heard footsteps and sat right back folding the paper from the death note in my pocket. Light entered the room .
"What was it about?" I asked as if i didn't know.
" Akari gave me a stupid love letter earlier, it must've fallen out my bag . Mom and sayu found it and got all excited. So irritating " he sighed

"Yeah,Light "

Insanity [Light × Reader × L]Where stories live. Discover now