52] Phone number

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I practically jumped when my phone rang.

* UNKNOWN caller*

I hesitantly approached the phone and accepted the call. Silence. Pure Silence.
Just a bit of static at the other end. I stared down at the device. "Hello?" I asked.
There was no response. I extended my hand to cut the call when a soft voice was heard. " Y-Y/n?" L asked .
I brought all my attention back to the phone and looked at it surprised ,picking it up in my hand now.
"L? Didn't expect you to call.." I muttered almost chuckling. "Well" he stated in his monotonous voice and then there was Silence. L's heart raced faster as his palms became a bit sweaty. He gathered all his courage and had called but now what?
"The reason behind your call?" I asked which increased his anxiousness.
"I-i" he began in his monotonous tune not knowing where to start. Fortunately, I got the hint. He just wanted to speak to me.
I wondered why though ? I started the conversation. "The greatest detective in this world has called me? I'm flattered "
I muttered. L faintly smiled behind the phone, a pinkish glow engulfing his cheeks. "Well I'm flattered " he said monotonously too. He was a bit nervous about what he was going to say next but he decided he would say it anyway.
"I'm flattered to be speaking to the smartest person in this world" he said with his straight face and unvarying voice.
I didn't respond for moments. From the other end L's dull face tensed and his heart beat louder. He had read on the internet that complementing people makes them like you more. Was it...-w-was it not working? He was starting to get worried when the silence broke and I burst out laughing. I found it genuinely, hilariously sweet. L mistook this genuine laughter as something else. He started getting upset thinking that I was laughing at his stupidity. And to make it more worse than it already was, my phone died, disconnecting the call, leaving L with his own concerned thoughts.Did I think it was lame? Did I think HE was lame? These thoughts were now eating him up alive.
I mentally cursed at my phone . Ugh-Of all times, it had to die now. My bored eyes trailed towards my cupboard ,towards that peculiar mystery box that I had received earlier. I narrowed my eyes at the rusted lock on that stupid box, I needed a way to open that lock... I ran down to the kitchen and back, with the biggest hammer I could find. I charged the hammer at the box about 15 times till now but it's still spotless. I stared at that rigid lock that wouldn't budge and slumped back down on my chair. Just then I noticed an arrow,tinier than an ant ,etched on the corner of the box. I raised a brow while I followed down the arrow, turning the box upside down, examining the bottom. There really was nothing. Why did I even expect- but suddenly my eyes narrowed at the texture of the bottom . It didn't look like wood. It was given a fake texture of wood. I knocked at the bottom a few times before trying to find the corners of some type of false bottom, but it was completely flat. With the last bit of desperation, I scratched at the box with my nails like a child and slumped back down in my chair. All my efforts end up- wait... I suddenly paused and pursed my lips when my eyes narrowed at my nails. A dark brown residue like substance that filled my nail. I looked back at the box and my mind sprang back up as I ran to the kitchen bringing back the sharpest knife. I began scratching the bottom with the knife and guess what.. it was scraping off! Almost like an excited child scratching off a scratch card I kept going till I saw a layer of white underneath. I smiled in glee before vigorously scraping off the rest and took a deep breath in at the results. This was.. this was.. a map. I stared down at the map. And flinched a bit when I realised this was no ordinary map... it was a treasure map...

Author's perspective:
Light looked at Misa again,annoyance brimming over him. " Can you kill him? " he muttered out while turning his face back to the large shinigami that floated behind him. Rem snarled down at Light . "L?" The shingami retorted in an unbothered tone of her raspy voice. Light stood there not wavering,not moving. Rem got her answer and nodded with her eyes closed.
"Fine" Rem said floating back behind Misa. "But when" .
Light shifted his gaze from her and looked down, in deep thought. "Wait until I give you the order" he spoke." But first..."
"Misa" the said girl looked back up and stared at him anxiously. "I need your number " Light Said taking a seat on his chair. Misa couldn't control her excitement.
"Y-you want my number??!" She squeeled.
Light's eyes twitched. "Yes, but sont give me your real number ,just a fake or spare one" he muttered out making her tilt her head. "But Why !" She said rushing close to him. " The police can track your phone" Light breathed out ,shifting back in his chair. Ryuk couldn't help but stare at this foolishness. "Okayy! " Misa finally agreed.
"You can keep one of my three phones!" She muttered while she pulled it out and handed it to Light. Light took the
phone ,examining it and then pushing it into his drawer. "Oh My god ,I'm so excited we can talk on the phone now!" Misa squeeled once more,leaving Light clenching the bridge of his nose.
" about that... " his uttered. "There are rules" Light's voice was serious. "Only I am allowed to call you" he spoke out making Misa pout. "What!" She yelled.
"Hey,that's not fair!" She cried out making Light stand up from his chair.
" It is Misa... you should go now" Light said ,his voice clear and grounded.
"But Light.." Misa persisted now inching closer to him. Light boiled with repulse and disgust. He stepped back , as anger almost took over him but he contained it,with all he had and did something he would never do even in his wildest of dreams. Planting his soft lips on hers , leaving no space between him and Misa.
He stood in disgust at himself and his actions, but knew it was necessary.

Insanity [Light × Reader × L]Where stories live. Discover now